
admin2019-10-05  28

问题     我曾经因为有几个大学生登山迷途丧生,而访问某位登山专家,其中一个问题是:“如果我们在半山腰,突然遇到大雨,应该怎么办?”登山专家说:“你应该向山顶走。”“为什么不往山下跑?山上风雨不是更大吗?”我怀疑地问。“往山顶走,固然风雨可能更大,却不足以威胁你的生命。至于向山下跑,看来风雨小些,似乎比较安全,但可能遇到爆发的山洪而被活活淹死。”登山专家严肃地说,“对于风雨,逃避它,你只有被卷入洪流;迎向它,你却能获得生存!”除了登山,在人生的战场上,不也是如此吗?


答案The expert of mountain climbing answered, "You should walk towards the top of the mountain". "Shouldn’t we retreat towards the foot of the mountain? On the top isn’t the wind stronger and the rain heavier?" I asked doubtfully. "On the top, the storm, perhaps heavier, does not threaten your life. On the hill foot it seems to be relatively safer with lighter storm, but you are likely to be buried by the torrents of water rushing down from the mountain." The expert explained seriously, "Confronted with the storm, if you run away from it, you will be drawn into the torrent; but if you walk toward it, you can survive." What’s true for mountain climbing is also true for the battles of life, isn’t it?

解析 1.本文选自台湾作家刘墉的散文《迎向风雨》,文章语言浅显易懂,但发人深省。画线部分主要由作者和登山专家对话构成,翻译时要注意保持口语化的语言风格。
2.第一句因为是登山专家回答作者的提问,所以“登山专家说”译为the expert of mountain climbinganswered,较为合理。“往山顶走”可以译为walk towards the top of the mountain表示方向。
3.第二句是作者的疑问,“为什么不”可以译为shouldn’t we表示反问,符合原文口语化的风格。“我怀疑地问”此处“怀疑地”是指对专家回答的不确定,doubtfully意为uncertain about something,符合原文中的疑问含义。“山上的风雨不是更大吗?”中的“风雨”有多种译法,此句用wind和rain,strong修饰wind,heavy修饰rain。为避免重复,下一句的风雨用storm来指代。
4.第三部分是专家的回答,这两个句子分别由三个和四个小短句构成,翻译时要注意整合短句。“往山顶走”在前面的句子已经提到是top of the mountain,此处可省略mountain,直接译为on the top。“固然风雨可能更大,却不足以威胁你的生命”,“可能更大”可作后置定语修饰“风雨”这个主语,译作the storm,perhaps heavier。“看来风雨小些,似乎比较安全,但可能遇到爆发的山洪而被活活淹死。”这句话缺少明确的主语,前半句可译为it为形式主语引导的句式it seems to be relatively safer with lighter storm。后半部分的转折句加上you作为主语,指代更加清晰,but you are likely to…。“爆发的山洪”可译为torrents of water rushing down from the mountain。
5.第四部分是文中最复杂的部分,也是点睛之笔。“专家严肃地说”是专家对作者提问的解释,为避免重复使用someone said.可译为the expert explained seriously。后面专家的话,因为汉语的句式比较整饬,英语翻译也要尽量简洁对仗:if you run away from it,you will be drawn into the torrent;if you walktoward it,you can survive。
6.最后一句话作者将登山和人生进行类比,“除了登山,在人生的战场上,不也是如此吗?”“除了……不也是”可以用what’s true for...is also true for...的句式结构来表达,简洁明了。
