
admin2021-08-09  39

问题     这世上有些东西,最好别看透,留几分神秘,留一点朦胧,留一丝悬念,可能会更有意思些。魔术,如果让观众看透了手法,知道了诀窍,这门艺术也就寿终正寝了;变脸,正因为迄今为止大伙都没有看透其技术真相,才能屡演屡新,大受欢迎,成为国粹。交朋友,各有目的:或为友谊,志同道合;或为利益,互相利用;或为酒肉,吃喝玩乐——都能好得如兄弟一般。但如果以鹰隼般犀利的眼神,看透每一个朋友的交友动机,你可能就成了孤家寡人,“人至察则无徒”。当然,也不能糊涂到朋友把你卖了,你还替他数钱。


答案 If tricks and knacks had been seen through by the viewers, the art of magic would have come to its end. Also, if people had gained insight into the face-changing skills, Face-changing Show would not be performed over and over again, not to mention its popularity among the public and being honored as the quintessence of Chinese culture. Different people have different purposes in making friends, some with those of the same ambitions and goals for the sake of friendship; some with those of whom they can take advantage for the sake of benefit; while some with those they can play with for the sake of enjoyment. Despite those differences in purpose, their relationships all work out as well as brothers. However, if any of those had such an incisive eye to penetrate into his friend’s intention, he might be isolated from the masses. Just as the old saying goes, " No company can bear one whose requirements are too critical. " Of course, we shouldn’t be too ignorant to be kept in the dark after being deceived.

解析 1.画线部分第一句前半句中的“如果……也就……”可翻译为If引导的非真实条件句,注意主从句的时态。“手法”和“诀窍”可译为tricks and knacks;“看透”可使用see through;“寿终正寝”可意译为come to its end。后半句由多个小句构成,翻译时要理清句子间关系。译文为了和上文在句型上保持一致,进行了否定转换,变为“如果人们看透变脸的技术真相,它就不会屡演屡新,大受欢迎,成为国粹了”,与原文意思一致;其中“看透”可译为gained insight into;“变脸”可译为Face-changing Show;“国粹”可译为the quintessence of Chinese culture;注意“屡演屡新”与主语“变脸”为被动关系,需用被动语态。
2.画线部分第二段第一句由多个并列句组成,翻译时应先译结论性部分,然后将其他并列成分译出。“交朋友”可使用固定搭配make friends;“为……”可译为for the sake of…;“志同道合”可译为of the same ambitions and goals;“利用”可译为take advantage of。
3.画线部分第二段第二句中的“如果……就……”同样可译为if引导的非真实条件句。其中“以鹰隼般犀利的眼神”可意译为such an incisive eye;“看透”可译为penetrate into;“孤家寡人”可意译为be isolated from the masses;“人至察则无徒”为古诗名言,意为“对别人要求太严格了,就没有伙伴”,因此可意译为No company can bear one whose requirements are too critical。
4.由画线部分第二段第三句语义可知,本句可使用not too…to…结构。其中“糊涂”可译为ignorant;“替他数钱”意指被蒙在鼓里,可译为be kept in the dark。
