A:如果你曾经在日本生活过,你可能会发现,处理生活垃圾是一件非常复杂的事情。你是否曾面临过这样的挑战:对垃圾进行细致的分类并清洁,确保在合适的日子用相应颜色的袋子再把垃圾丢出去;如若未按要求进行处理,垃圾将会被退回来,让人感到非常丢脸。 B: Yes, I

admin2022-08-12  37

A: If you have ever lived in Japan, you’ve probably discovered that once you are responsible for your household’s garbage, things get a lot more complicated. Have you been faced with the challenge of sorting and cleaning your garbage meticulously, making sure to put it out on the right day in the right colored bag, or suffered the shame of having it returned to you?
A: Many people think that you are being made to do all this trash sorting2 as some kind of punishment, but there are some pretty important reasons behind it. Japan has a set of specific challenges when it comes to dealing with its waste. The biggest of these is lack of land suitable for landfill. In the 1960s, with it’s rising population, Japan would have to find a solution for its garbage or sink under the weight of its trash.
A: This is a fairly common misconception and one that I shared when I first arrived in Japan. Fluidized bed combustion is pretty exciting. It is a very efficient way of burning materials that don’t normally burn easily. It is cheaper, takes up less space, and produces fewer nitrogen oxides and less sulphur dioxide.


答案A:如果你曾经在日本生活过,你可能会发现,处理生活垃圾是一件非常复杂的事情。你是否曾面临过这样的挑战:对垃圾进行细致的分类并清洁,确保在合适的日子用相应颜色的袋子再把垃圾丢出去;如若未按要求进行处理,垃圾将会被退回来,让人感到非常丢脸。 B: Yes, I just have lived in Japan for some time and faced such situation. One of the first things you’ll need to do when you arrive in Japan is get hold of your town’s garbage guide. It is forty-two pages long! That kind of length isn’t unusual, either. Waste disposal is carried out at the municipal level. That means that each city, town, and district has a completely different system. So even if you’ve mastered one system, that doesn’t help you all that much if you move somewhere else. A:很多人觉得强制性垃圾分类是一种惩罚,但其实垃圾分类背后的初衷是非常好的。在处理垃圾方面,日本面临着一系列特殊挑战。其中最大的问题是缺乏合适的垃圾填埋地。在20世纪60年代,随着人口的增长,日本将不得不寻找垃圾处理方案。否则就会被垃圾淹没。 B: Well, I have never thought about the reason behind waste classification, but I have been wondering after all that waste has been sorted and collected, where does it all go? I was told that you are sorting your waste so that it can be more easily recycled. But when it comes to its recycling rate, Japan lags behind other industrialized nations that also face problems with lack of space, such as the Netherlands and the UK. Pretty strange. A:这确实是一个普遍存在的误解,也是我刚到日本时存有的误解。回收的垃圾会用流化床燃烧处理。这是一种非常神奇有效的燃烧方法,可以燃烧不易燃材料。它的价格更加低廉。占用空间更小,产生的氮氧化物和二氧化硫也更少。 B: Well, I think the lake-of-space problem can also be attributed to overpackaging. If you have ever bought something in Japan you’ve probably noticed how much packaging there is. Layers upon layers of plastic and cardboard. Bags within bags. Plenty has been written on the cultural aspects of Japan’s obsession with wrapping.

