A city in Jiangsu Province put a new regulation into practice whereby police authorities reward residents with certain amount of

admin2017-07-05  29

问题     A city in Jiangsu Province put a new regulation into practice whereby police authorities reward residents with certain amount of money who volunteer to make peace in neighborhood quarrels, mediate in civil disputes or, help in putting out fires. The reward system has triggered debate nationwide. The following are opinions from different media on whether voluntary services should be financially rewarded. Read them carefully and write your response NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
    1. summarize briefly the arguments on both sides;
    2. give your comment
Xi’an Evening Daily
    It’s understandable if people worry benevolent actions are tainted by money. But that does not mean the advocacy of high moral standards should also be separated from material rewards. Proper material rewards will attract more people to participate in voluntary services, and enable the lifting of society’s moral standards to the greatest extent. No laws forbid payment to volunteers. It’s wise for the local government to encourage more people to take part in voluntary services by offering financial rewards within its capacity.
Chengdu Daily
    For a long time, it is taken for granted that a person should not let his or her name be known to others or ask for a return when he or she has done a good deed. But in reality, people also value the virtue of "feeling a debt of gratitude for others’ kindness."
    The reward system offers an effective mechanism to ensure security volunteers themselves can also benefit from their good deeds. This practice satisfies people of high moral standards psychologically and materially and in the meantime encourages other people’s enthusiasm. When they know they’ll be rewarded for their good deeds, more people will be prepared to do so and gradually the whole of society will make progress toward good order.
China Daily
    To encourage people to offer voluntary services through rewards is well intended. But the ensuing wide participation in voluntary services is based on the incentive of money. So if material rewards fail to become a regular practice later because of the government’s cutting of financial support, will the public maintain their enthusiasm?
    More worrying is, once moral behavior starts to become measurable in money, a series of side effects will arise. People may tend to create disputes deliberately and earn money through mediating their settlement. If this happens, the government will have to change the policy or pay up.
    The government does need to encourage people’s volunteering spirit, but it seems improper to connect good deeds to cash rewards.
    Volunteers are those who never care about a return when they offer help to others and contribute to society. Since they are willing to be volunteers, they don’t do it to be rewarded. If they do it for money, they are not volunteers in a real sense. Benevolence can never be measured in money. When people do good deeds solely for money, can we expect volunteers to maintain noble intentions in doing so?
    We have seen many examples of using money and material rewards to encourage good deeds. Money is employed to reinforce the sense of morality remaining in people’s hearts. The tragedy is the majority of such attempts fail. Good people deserve rewards, but a reward is not necessarily expressed in money. To connect good deeds to money is self-contradictory and will never be a good shortcut to raising people’s moral standards.


答案 Should Volunteers Be Awarded by Money? Recently, paying volunteers for making peace in neighborhood is a new regulation of a city in Jiangsu province, which has aroused a national hot debate over whether volunteers deserve material rewards. A heated discussion also arises among different medias, and their views towards this policy include pros and cons. Supporters argue that money awards will encourage more people to help others and create a friendly neighborhood. However, to most media, the disadvantages of cash awards seem to overweight its advantages. Opponents doubt whether benevolence may vanish when the government cut off financial support and awards would compromise the moral intentions of the work of the volunteers. I believe that volunteer should be awarded, but not by money. Volunteers do not help others for being financially awarded. In fact, no volunteer makes money through their volunteering; otherwise, they are just paid to do the work. Therefore, money awards blur the distinction between volunteering and work and will lower the happiness of volunteers, who help others just out of a grateful heart. If we take a closer look at the issue of volunteering, it’s not hard to see that they contribute to the society because they want the world to be a better place. Such morality and nobility should be acknowledged and awarded by the good intentions from the society instead of money. For example, a track record can be built, recording the volunteer work of every citizen. This record, I believe, will contribute to their school application, job hunting, etc. Local or national TV stations should report and publicize the volunteer work of volunteers so that they will gain respect from the public on the one hand and exert more influence on the other hand. From what has been discussed above, paying volunteers is never to be the best policy as it’s prone to negative influence. In conclusion, I believe volunteers should be awarded, but not by money.

解析     材料针对“志愿工作是否应得到金钱奖励”这一话题,给出了五家媒体对此的看法。其中前两家媒体表示支持这一做法,后三家媒体则持反对意见。
    支持的理由有两方面:一是弘扬美德并不意味着要与物质奖励区分开(does not mean…be separated from material rewards),恰当的物质奖励能吸引和鼓励更多的人(encourage more people)参与志愿工作;二是志愿者能在心理上和物质上(psychologically and materially)得到双重满足,同时也能带动其他人的热情,营造良好的社会秩序(society will make progress toward good order)。
    反对的理由有三点:首先,政府若停止物质奖励,民众的志愿服务热情可能将难以为继(will the public maintain their enthusiasm?);其次,可能会有人刻意制造矛盾(create disputes deliberately)用以牟利(earn money);最后,志愿者是不图回报的(never care about a return),若用金钱量化,则与志愿工作的初衷自相矛盾(self-contradictory),不利于提高人们的道德水平(never be a good shortcut to raising people’s moral standards)。
