
admin2019-10-05  28

问题     车从这里的地铁爬上天桥,颤颤巍巍地从又乱又脏的街区开过去,往下一望,有时会突然看到一栋破极了的大楼的窗子里,有一些脸色神秘的东方人,穿着日式的大黑衣服,在练拳。再往下一望,看到一个穿脏花裙子的黑老女人,摇摆着生了痛风病的胖腿,拿着一个大塑料袋,气息奄奄地走过去。要是心情恍惚的话,会以为自己走到好莱坞的影城里去了,这里正好是在拍犯罪片。


答案From here, the train is to climb up onto the overpass and wobble its way through this dirty and messy block. Looking downward, in the window of a certain extremely dilapidated building, passengers may see by chance some mysterious-looking Orientals dressed in Japanese-style dark suits practicing karate. Looking further downward, they may spot an old black woman, wearing a dirty flowery skirt, with a big plastic bag in her hands, struggling to catch her breath as she totters along on fat legs swollen with gout. Should a passenger happen to be in a dreamy and imaginative mood, he might think he has blundered into Hollywood where a crime movie is just being photographed.

解析 1.本段为描述性文字,故采用一般现在时为总体时态。翻译汉语的无主句时应注意补充主语,以符合英语的句式规范。
3.“一栋破极了的大楼”不是指某一个特定的大楼,将其译成a certain extremely dilapidated building,和后面的see by chance形成呼应,突出整个事情的“偶然性”。
4.第2句的“看到”可译成spot,突出“偶然性”。“气息奄奄”可译为breathing with much difficulty或struggle to catch her breath;此处的“走”是摇摆着腿,走路不稳,故译为totter。“黑老女人”译成oldblack woman比较适宜,比elderly black woman更符合整段文字的风格与含义。
5.第3句的“要是”是汉语中常用的表示假设意义的词语,译成英语的虚拟语气Should a passenger happento be甚为得体。“心情恍惚”意指头脑不甚清醒,像在做梦想象一样,故可译为in a dreamy and imaginative mood,“走到”这里其实指不小心闯进,可译成blunder into。“犯罪片”可译成crime movie。
