Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the space provided on your Answer Sheet II. TOPIC "

admin2019-06-10  27

问题 Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the space provided on your Answer Sheet II.
   "Stay hungry, stay foolish" is a quote from Steve Jobs. How do you understand this statement? Please give reasons or examples to illustrate your points.


答案 Steve Jobs once said, " Stay hungry. Stay foolish," in his Stanford commencement address to call for the young people to be ambitious in this world, The quote is really thought provoking and means much to me. To begin with the first part of Job’s quote, "stay hungry" means to have a hunger for success, to be curious about the new things, and to be never satisfied with what we have achieved. In such a world where the knowledge explosion brings abundant and overwhelming information, we seem to have acquired enough knowledge about the world, and we have created plenty of inventions to facilitate our lives. Given this situation, it is easy for us to become complacent, or lazy, about learning. Job’s message to us is not to become satisfied with our current level of understanding, but rather to continue our quest for more. "Stay foolish" means to try everything and not to be afraid of making mistakes. In order to be innovative, sometimes we need to have a child-like attitude towards the new things and explore the world in a way we never see it before. Through making mistakes does a child learn. Jobs’ message to us is to remain " child-like," almost naive, in our wonder of the world and the knowledge it has to offer. Since we are facing a fast-developing world and it is not easy to predict what will happen in the next decade, we need to be open to new technologies and always desire for better achievements. It is through our curiosity and foolishness that advances in technology and services will develop. For instance, Artificial Intelligence is here and our world and our lives will be redefined by it in the future. We must embrace it and desire to leam more about it. In short, Jobs’ quote may serve as a guide for how we conduct and lead our lives in today’s world. Since knowledge is updated very fast in many fields, we need to keep learning all the time. We know how much we do know, but we often do not comprehend the scope of our ignorance while facing new uncertainties. Therefore, we need to be both ambitious and innovative. We need to stay hungry and stay foolish.

解析    “Stay hungry,stay foolish”是2005年史蒂夫-乔布斯在斯坦福大学的演讲中所引用的一句话。这句话的含义很丰富。对“stay hungry”的一种理解是,我们要对一切保持强烈的好奇心和旺盛的求知欲,永不满足,永无止境地追求卓越。“Stay foolish”则可以理解为要用像初学者那样谦虚的心态去看待新事物。要有一种空杯心态:清空已经知道的东西,去不断地从事物的最初开始来理解新技术、新事物。尤其是我们现在学的东西几年之后很容易就落后了,要有不断学习的心态。我们的知识永远都是不够的,一些人学到一些知识和技术以后很容易就固化了,不再更新自己的知识,但在如今日新月异的科技面前,我们需要打开自己的心智,进行新的探索。有时候甚至要像一个傻瓜那样敢于从新的角度去审视世界,这样才能看到更多,不断地创新。“Stay foolish”另外一种理解则是:永远保持对成功、对理想的渴望,拥有雄心,敢于犯错,不怕别人耻笑自己在追求理想过程中一些看似不自量力的“愚蠢”行为,做自己钟爱的事。
