Friendship and Trade China’s main lifeline to North Korea, a narrow road-and-rail bridge across the Yalu river, does not sug

admin2013-06-19  37

问题                             Friendship and Trade
    China’s main lifeline to North Korea, a narrow road-and-rail bridge across the Yalu river, does not suggest there is much business to do on the other side. A trickle of trucks flows along its single-lane carriageway, which stretches for less than 1km (barely half a mile). Hours go by without a train. The North Koreans hoped a few years ago to create a busy investment zone on their side, but all they have is a shabby town of mostly idle factories. At night it is an expanse of darkness with only a few pinpricks of light.
    Yet trade is picking up. Chinese trucks crossing the Friendship bridge—built by the Japanese in 1943 and bombed by the Americans during the Korean War—are filled with more than just the bare necessities of life.
    China exported $1.08 billion-worth of goods to North Korea last year, 35% more than in 2004 and 122% more than in 1995, according to Chinese statistics. More than half of all trade in 2005 was handled by Dandong. Less promisingly for North Korea, exports to China fell by 14.8% to $499 million.


答案 友谊与贸易 中国与朝鲜之间的重要交通线——一座横跨鸭绿江的狭窄的公路、铁路两用桥——并不表示江对岸有多少生意可做。在这条全长不到1公里(约半英里)的单车道上,仅稀稀拉拉地行驶着几辆卡车。几个小时里都没有一列火车通过。朝鲜几年前曾希望在它们那头建成一个繁忙的投资区,但它们现在拥有的只是一座满是停产工厂的破旧城市。到了晚上,这里到处都是漆黑一片,只有零星的几点灯光。 但是现在鸭绿江两岸的贸易却有了起色。驶过这座友谊桥(1943年由日本人建造,朝鲜战争中被美军炸毁)的中国卡车满载的不再仅仅是生活必需品。 中国统计数字表明,去年中国向朝鲜出口额达到10.8亿美元,较2004年增长35%,比1995年增长122%。2005年全年超过一半的贸易是在丹东完成的。朝鲜的情况则不太妙,对中国的出口额减少了14.8%,仅为4.99亿美元。

解析     这篇文章节选自《经济学人》(The Economist)杂志,语言生动简练,描述了中朝边境的贸易状况及两国贸易再现生机。
1.  a narrow road-and-rail bridge across the Yalu river:一座横跨鸭绿江的狭窄的公路、铁路两用桥。
2.trickle:滴,淌;稀疏的人流、车流、货流,故A trickle of trucks译为“稀稀拉拉的几辆卡车”。
3.single—lane carriageway,which stretches for less than 1km(barely half a mile):这句翻译时要注意语序的调整,译为“在这条全长不到1公里(约半英里)的单车道上”。
4.  idle:not turned to appropriate use(空闲的,无用的),a shabby town of mostly idle factories译为“一座满是停产工厂的破旧城市”。
5.  expanse:great extent of sth.spread out(广阔的区域),例如,art expanse of calm lake(一片静谧的湖泊)/an expanse of darkness“到处都是漆黑一片”。
6.pinprick:a small puncture made by or as if by a pin(一小片,一小点,小孔),故a few pinpricks of light译为“只有零星的几点灯光”。
7.pick up:to recover(好转,改善,有起色),故Yet trade is picking up译为“但是现在鸭绿江两岸的贸易却有了起色”。
8.Less promisingly for North Korea:朝鲜的情况则不太妙(不太理想)。
