
admin2016-10-27  37

问题     在公元前5世纪春秋末期,首先在江苏扬州附近开凿了一条运河,把长江的水引向北面。这条运河最初在公元7世纪隋朝时期得到扩长,最后在公元13世纪被修成了今天的大运河。大运河在元、明、清三代是中国南北运输的大动脉,为南北经济和文化的交流做出了巨大的贡献。由于南北海运的发展和19世纪中期天津至浦口和北京至汉口铁路的开通,大运河的作用被大大地削弱了,很多地段荒废了和被泥沙堵塞了。在新中国成立后,大运河又焕发了生机。除山东地段只能部分通航之外,大运河很多其他的地段在一些季节能通航,从江苏至浙江的800千米地段能全年通航。


答案In the late Spring and Autumn Period in the 5th century B. C. , a canal was first cut near Yangzhou, Jiangsu, to guide the water of the Yangtze River to the north. The canal was lengthened first in the Sui Dynasty of the 7 th century and constructed in the Yuan Dynasty of 13th century, finally becoming what has been known as the Grand Canal. The Grand Canal was the major transport artery between north and south China during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, contributing greatly to the economic and cultural exchange between north and south. Owing to the development of the maritime transport between north and south and the opening of the Tianjin-Pukou and Beijing-Hankou railways in the mid-19th century, the role of the Grand Canal was greatly reduced and many sections of it fell into disrepair or became choked with mud. The Grand Canal gained a new lease on life after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Except for the section in Shandong which is only partly serviceable, many other sections are navigable in some of the seasons while the 800-kilometer stretching from Jiangsu to Zhejiang open to year-round shipping.

