A、Because she is very good at mathematics. B、Because she likes the professor’s lecture. C、Because it is very easy to pass the ex

admin2018-02-08  34

W: Hi, Professor Jones. Thanks for agreeing to see me on such short notice.
M: Actually, I was thinking about talking to you about your performance in this class so far.
W: Do you mean the two quizzes we had these past two weeks?
M: Yes. I had a quick look at your last two quiz marks. You failed the first and just passed the second one. What is it that is causing you the most trouble?
W: [1]I know I’m not that good with numbers, but it has never occurred to me that statistics can be this difficult.
M: Well, if that’s the case, I would suggest that you drop this class. Because these first two quizzes are the easiest ones throughout this semester. If you have trouble surviving them, the rest of the classes will be really tough for you.
W: Oh, I thought we could only drop classes during the first week.
M: [2]The deadline for dropping classes is always at the end of the second week of a semester.
W: Well, to be honest, [3]I’m only taking statistics because it is a prerequisite for a psychology class I want to take. Would you mind giving me some advice on how I can make some progress?
M: Um... Have you been to all of my classes?
W: Yes, every one of them. But to be honest, you speak a little bit too quickly for me. I find it difficult to get detailed notes.
M: Well, perhaps you should think about bringing in a voice recorder. That way if you miss something you can listen to it again when you’re studying at home.
W: I guess I could try that. I’m not sure if I can afford a voice recorder right now. My student loan hasn’t come in yet.
M: Another option is to get a tutor. If you’re interested, I can recommend someone. She’s a tutorial assistant for one of my other classes, but she does private tutoring on the side. [4]She doesn’t charge much because she’s really looking for the teaching experience. She wants to be a professor.
W: [5]That actually sounds great! With a private tutor, I would have enough time to take notes and think.
M: Of course, dropping the class is also an option. Sometimes professors make exceptions too. You could always contact the psychology professor and ask if it’s possible to get in without my course. I’d be willing to sign something to prove that you’ve at least made a valid attempt.
W: Thank you, professor. I guess working harder on statistics is a better choice than dropping the class. I’m not the type of person who gives up easily. By the way, [5]could you please tell me how I can get in touch with the tutor you mentioned?
M: Well, I can give you her phone number. Just tell her I recommended you to her.
1.What do we know about the woman’s performance in statistics class?
2.What is the deadline for dropping classes?
3.Why does the woman take the statistics class?
4.Why does the tutorial assistant do private tutoring part-time?
5.What will the woman most probably do with her problem?

选项 A、Because she is very good at mathematics.
B、Because she likes the professor’s lecture.
C、Because it is very easy to pass the exam.
D、Because it helps her to take another class.


解析 ①预读选项可知题目问某件事情的原因。②女士用to be honest引出自己选统计学课程的真实原因是“想要选的心理课需要先修这门统计课”,因此D“有助于她上另一门课”正确,其中it helps her…对应原文中的it is a prerequisite for…。③A“她擅长数学”和C“通过考试很容易”与原文陈述的事实相反,B“她喜欢教授的讲课”在对话中没有相关线索。
