Man’s search for meaning: an introduction to logotherapy. The book does not claim to be an account of facts and events but of pe

admin2021-08-19  57

问题     Man’s search for meaning: an introduction to logotherapy. The book does not claim to be an account of facts and events but of personal experiences, experiences which millions of prisoners have suffered time and again. It is the inside story of a concentration camp, told by one of its survivors. This tale is not concerned with the great horrors, which have already been described often enough (though less often believed), but with the multitude of small torments. In other words, it will try to answer this question; How was everyday life in a concentration camp reflected in the mind of the average prisoner?
    Most of the events described here did not take place in the large and famous camps, but in the small ones where most of the real extermination took place. This story is not about the suffering and death of great heroes and martyrs, nor is it about the prominent Capo—prisoners who acted as trustees, having special privileges—or well-known prisoners. Thus it is not so much concerned with the suffering of the mighty, but with the sacrifices, the crucifixion and the deaths of the great army of unknown and unrecorded victims. It was these common prisoners, who bore no distinguishing marks on their sleeves, whom the Capos really despised. While these ordinary prisoners had little or nothing to eat, the Capos were never hungry; in fact many of the Capos fared better in the camp than they had in their entire lives. Often they were harder on the prisoners than were the guards, and beat them more cruelly than the SS men did. These Capos, of course, were chosen only from these prisoners whose characters promised to make them suitable for such procedures, and if they did not comply with what was expected of them, they were immediately demoted. They soon became much like the SS men and the camp wardens and may be judged on a similar psychological basis.


答案 活出意义来:意义疗法介绍。本书并不以集中营实录自诩。书中所载,只是数百万集中营俘虏反复身受的痛苦经历。这是一个集中营的内在故事,由一位生还者所述。书中没有那屡经描绘而其实不太有人相信的大恐怖,有的只是多如牛毛、层出不穷的小折磨。换言之,本书只想为这个问题寻找答案:“一个普通的俘虏每天生活在集中营里,会有怎样的感触?” 本书所描述的事件,大多不是发生在著名的大型集中营里,而是发生在屡见残杀的小集中营里。书中故事,不是英雄烈士的苦难事迹,也不是“酷霸”(囚犯中担任监管之职,且拥有特权者)或知名俘虏的生活点滴。它所关切的,不是有权势,有地位的人所受的苦,而是诸多默默无闻、名不见经传的俘虏所遭遇的苦刑、苛虐及死亡。“酷霸”真正瞧不起的,正是这些平凡无奇、袖子上一无标记的俘虏。他们几乎无以果腹,而“酷霸”却从不知饥饿为何物。事实上,许多“酷霸”在营期间的膳食,比这辈子的其他时候还要享受。但他们对俘虏的态度,比警卫还要刻薄;打起人来,也比纳粹挺进队员还要狠。当然,“酷霸”是由众多囚犯中精挑细选而来的。他们的个性,恰恰适合担任这种酷虐的角色;如果“工作”不力,有负所托,立刻就会被刷下来。因此,他们一个个都卖力表现,俨若纳粹挺进队员和营中警卫。像这种例子,也可以用同样的心理学观点来衡量。

解析     claim to be意为“声称自己是,自称”,包含一种自满的情绪,结合本句中的否定表达,这里选用“不以……自诩”,体现出了作者谦卑的态度以及对自己作品本质的深刻认知。an account of中account与of后的宾语facts and events、personal experiences搭配,意为“描述,记载”。experiences在这里为复数形式,为可数名词,表示“经历”之意,而非“经验”。
    is not about表示“并非关于”,即故事描述的并非是伟大英雄或烈士所遭受的苦难牺牲,翻译时为了与主语“故事”形成对应,采用增译的方法,添加名词“事迹”和“生活点滴”。同时根据“英雄烈士”在集中营里必然的死亡结局,翻译suffering and death时,统一使用名词“苦难”即可。Capo一词来源于意大利语,意思是犯人中的头目,这里结合语境,采用音译加意译的翻译方法,译为“酷霸”,其中“霸”字体现出了他们在集中营中为虎作伥、蛮横欺压同胞的形象。
    did not comply with what was expected of them意为“没有满足赋予他们的期望”,这里结合前文提到的“工作”,添加“工作不力”一词,再引出“有负所托”,同时将最后的表示“使降职”之意的demoted一词译为“被刷下来”,用语简洁,又体现出了这份“工作”竞争之激烈和残酷。
