尊敬老人是中华民族的传统美德之一。重阳节的设立就是要倡导人们遵守孝道(filial piety)、尊敬老人。中国的法律规定赡养父母是成年子女的责任。不和父母一起住的成年子女要给老人生活费(living allowances)并帮助他们干家务活。但是,由于社

admin2016-04-20  27

问题     尊敬老人是中华民族的传统美德之一。重阳节的设立就是要倡导人们遵守孝道(filial piety)、尊敬老人。中国的法律规定赡养父母是成年子女的责任。不和父母一起住的成年子女要给老人生活费(living allowances)并帮助他们干家务活。但是,由于社会的发展和生活的压力,现在越来越多的年轻人很少回家探望父母。2013年7月,政府把“常回家看看”写进法律。


答案 Respecting the elderly is one of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. The Double Ninth Festival is to advocate filial piety and respect for the elders. China’s law defines that it is grown-up children’s responsibility to support their parents. Grown-up children living apart from their parents should give parents the living allowances and help them with the house work. However, due to the development of society and the pressure from life, now more and more young people fail to go home often to visit their parents. In July, 2013, "regularly visit aging parents" was put into the law.

解析 1.第2句中的“重阳节的设立就是……”如果逐字对译为the establishment of the Double Ninth Festivalis to…,则表达啰嗦繁冗,故省译“设立”一词,直接表达为the Double Ninth Festival is to…。
2.第3句中的“赡养父母是成年子女的责任”,如果直接译为to support their parents is grown-upchildren’s responsibility则显得生硬,不如套用句型it is…responsibility to...(是……的责任)来表达。
3.第4句中的定语“不和父母一起住的”较长,可将其处理成后置定语,译为从句who do not live with theirparents或更为简洁的分词短语living apart from their parents,短语live apart from(分开住)与do notlive with(不住一起)同义。
4.最后一句的主语是“政府”,但仔细分析发现,这句并不强调主语,宜用被动语态来翻译,可把“常回家看看(regularly visit aging parents)”译作主语。“常回家看看”如果直译为often go home则意思表达得不够确切,宜把“回家的目的”增译出来。施动者“政府”(by the government)不言自明,可省略不译。
