You can have ______ paid direct from your account.

admin2011-01-14  10

问题 You can have ______ paid direct from your account.  
Presenter: Welcome everyone. My name is Derek Palmer and I’m here to give you some tips about managing your money. It is worth making a little effort to keep your financial affairs in good shape. Keep your money under control, and you can concentrate on the real business of studying and living here. Here are two basic tips for managing your finances.
  First, make full use of banking facilities. Once you have opened a bank
account, you can ask the bank’s financial advisers to help you decide how
to manage your money. You can use your bank account to pay your regular     Q11
bills such as electricity, gas and telephone by direct debit or by standing order,
on a regular basis. The financial advisers can help you to organise a budget account
to pay regular bills or help you to deal with any periods when you might
need an overdraft facility. If you have a financial sponsor, make sure you find          Q12
out from them exactly when the money will become available to you and how
much there will be.
You can also use cheques to pay for goods and services.
With banking becoming organised more and more on an international basis,
you may also find that you can use the cash card you have in your own country          Q13
to draw money from your home account while you are here.
Cards carrying
signs such as Cirrus or Maestro may have this facility. Ask your home bank
about this before you leave, to ensure that you bring the right cards with you.
Second, deal with financial problems promptly. Monitor your account
in the UK carefully and make sure you do not overdraw  or, if you have arranged
an overdraft, make sure you do not go over the amount you agreed
with the bank. If you do run into any money problems, take the initiative
and sort them out quickly—do not risk going into debt or falling behind with           Q14
your rent.
Problems may arise, for example, if there is a sudden change in
the political situation in your country, if there are unexpected delays in transferring
your money, or if your personal circumstances change—for example,
your accommodation arrangements, your marital status. In these situations,
do not be tempted to borrow money. Instead, get advice from a reliable
source. Start by meeting with the student counsellor at your college or university.    Q15
He or she can tell you what to do about paying your tuition fees, and
whether there are any college funds or charitable trusts that might be able to
help you. If you are building up debts on credit cards or rent arrears, debt counselling
may be available at your institution. If the problems are caused by political
situations or changes in foreign exchange, ask your Embassy for advice.
  Let’s turn to insurance. During your stay, there are three types of insurance that you might need. The first is personal property insurance—to cover your possessions against damage or theft. If possible, try to arrange this in your own country before you come to the UK. The second is medical insurance-to cover your medical bills. You may prefer to arrange this in advance. The third is motor insurance. You must have this if you want to drive a car or ride a motorcycle here.
  For each type, there are many different insurance policies available, so              Q16
look around until you find one that meets your needs
—including your budget.
You will find a range of insurance companies listed in your local telephone               Q17
directory(下划线), and your bank or building society may also be able to offer
you an insurance policy. Many insurance companies have special policies for
students. Ask the welfare adviser at your college or university for advice. Make
sure that you understand all the conditions before you agree to a policy.
  When you are considering a particular policy, ask yourself some questions.
What will be paid out to me when I make a claim? Some personal
property insurance policies, for example, only pay you the second-hand value
of your lost possessions. "New-for-old" policies will pay you the full cost of       Q18
replacing the item, but they tend to be more expensive.
Are there any conditions
attached to the policy? Some medical insurance policies will not cover    Q19
you for pre-existing medical conditions—that is, conditions you already have
when you take out the policy.
Some personal property policies may not cover
your possessions if they are taken away from the place where they are normally
kept—for example, if you take your CD-player to a friend’s house. Are
there any exceptions to the policy? For example, a medical insurance policy               Q20
may not cover you if you play a dangerous sport.
Now, let’s look at ...


答案(your) rent

