1988年9月7日,我国成功地发射了一颗试验性气象卫星。卫星顺利进入近圆形太阳同步轨道(sun-synchronous orbit),卫星上仪器工作正常。卫星进入预定轨道(preset orbit)后不久,我国的气象卫星(meteorological sa

admin2016-10-18  18

问题     1988年9月7日,我国成功地发射了一颗试验性气象卫星。卫星顺利进入近圆形太阳同步轨道(sun-synchronous orbit),卫星上仪器工作正常。卫星进入预定轨道(preset orbit)后不久,我国的气象卫星(meteorological satellite)地面站(ground station)就收到了卫星发送的气象信息。它是我国自行研制和发射的第一颗极地轨道气象卫星(polar-orbiting meteorological satellite)。“风云一号”(FY—1)卫星正式投入试用后,对于提高我国天气预报水平,特别是灾害性天气的监测和预报能力,更好地为国民经济建设服务有重要意义。


答案 On September 7, 1988, China successfully launched an experimental weather satellite. The satellite smoothly entered the nearly circular sun-synchronous orbit, and all the equipments were in working order. Shortly after the satellite’s entering the preset orbit. China’s meteorological satellite ground station received meteorological information from the satellite. It is the first domestically developed and launched polar-orbiting meteorological satellite. After "FY-1" satellite was put into the trial, it has been of great significance in raising the level of China’s weather forecast, especially in severe weather monitoring and forecasting capabilities, offering better serviees for the construction of the national economy.

