The engineers are going through with their highway project, ______the expenses have risen.

admin2012-08-22  36

问题 The engineers are going through with their highway project, ______the expenses have risen.

选项 A、even though
B、just because
C、now that
D、as though


解析 这是一个测试从属连词的试题,even though作“即使……也要……”讲,表示让步。如:Even though it is difficult,I’ll do it.即使很难,我也要做。even though也可以换成even if。如:Even if we achieve great success in our work,we should remain modest.即使我们的工作取得了很大成绩。我们也应该戒骄戒躁。just because作“正是因为”讲,now that作“既然……”讲,表示原因,前者比后者强调原因的语气强些。例如:You mustn’t suppose that she is satisfied just because she doesn’t complain.你千万不要认为她不抱怨就是满意了。Now that you’ve mentioned it,I do remember what he said yesterday.既然你提到了,我确实想起了他昨天说的事。as though也可换成as if,作“好像,似乎”讲,有时从句中谓语动词用虚拟形式。如:You talked as though(if)you were the boss.你说起话来好像你就是老板。It looks as if (though)it were going to rain.看上去好像要下雨。本句前后两部分是转折语气,因此应选even though,其他几项在语义上均不通。
