
admin2020-02-10  31

问题 听起来有理,其实是个因噎废食的逻辑,这个学生之所以在小学、中学12年间没有学会自制自律,就是因为他们一直接受喂哺式的辅导,那么大学来继续进行“育婴”,这岂不是一个没完没了的恶性循环?把学生口里的奶嘴拿掉,我们总要有个起点;大学不做,更待何时?再说,我们对大学教育的期许是什么?教出一个言听计从、循规蹈矩、不穿拖鞋短裤的学生和教出一个自己会看情况、做决定、下判断的学生——究竟哪一个比较重要?


答案 These remarks sound reasonable, yet in fact they are quite illogical. It is because the students have all along been taught in a spoon-fed manner that they haven’t acquired independence and self-discipline after 12 years of schooling. Wouldn’t it merely result in an endless vicious circle if this sort of "babysitting" is continued at university level? If we’re going to take away the dummies from the mouths of students, we have to start somewhere; and if not at the university, then where? Besides, what are the aims of our university education? To turn out submissive and rule-abiding students who never wear slippers and shorts, or students who are able to independently assess a situation, make decisions and pass judgments, which is more important?

解析 背景介绍
-  听起来有理,其实是个因噎废食的逻辑:这句话中出现了一个包含典故的四字成语“因噎废食”,在翻译时如将其含义字对字翻出,译文会显得过于累赘,因此可以将“因噎废食的逻辑”转译成“不符合逻辑的”。原文的这个句子较长,句式较为松散,在翻译时可以采取拆句的方法,使译文更地道。译文:These remarks sound reasonable,yet in fact they are quite illogical.
-  这个学生之所以在小学、中学12年间没有学会自制自律,就是因为他们一直接受喂哺式的辅导:“自制自律”即独立性和自律性,“喂哺式的辅导”可译为been taught in a spoon-fed manner;在翻译时,可以先说原因,再说其导致的结果,这样可以自然地与下一句衔接,增强文章的连贯性。译文为“It is because the students have all along been taught in a spoon-fed manner that they haven’t acquired independence and self-discipline after 12 years of schooling.”
-  那么大学来继续进行“育婴”,这岂不是一个没完没了的恶性循环:“育婴”可借鉴英文的同义词或近义词,即babysitting;恶性循环可译为vicious circle/cycle,而良性循环是virtuous circle/cycle。在翻译时,应注意句子结构的调整,先译中心词,再译其修饰成分。译文为Wouldn’t it merely result in an endless vicious circle if this sort of“babysitting”is continued at university level?
-  把学生口里的奶嘴拿掉,我们总要有个起点:这里的“奶嘴”可以直译为dummies,与上文的“育婴”相呼应,保持行文风格的统一。故译为:If we’re going to take away the dummies from the mouths of students,we have to start somewhere.
-  教出一个言听计从、循规蹈矩、不穿拖鞋短裤的学生和教出一个自己会看情况、做决定、下判断的学生——究竟哪一个比较重要:  “言听计从、循规蹈矩”指服从指令、遵守规则的学生,可译为submissive and rule-abiding students;  “看情况、做决定、下判断”在翻译时应注意选择合适的动词。译文为:To turn out submissive and rule-abiding students who never wear slippers and shorts,or students who are able to independently assess a situation,make decisions and pass judgments,which is more important?
