
admin2010-07-06  16

Interviewer: Could you tell me something about your working day, especially about the times you do different things.
Secretary: Yes, all right. Where would you like me to start?
Interviewer: Well, what time do you get up in the morning?
Secretary: Usually about seven.
Interviewer: And what time do you have your breakfast?
Secretary: Oh, about half past seven. It takes me about 20 minutes. I only have a cup of tea and some cereal, usually corn-flakes. Sometimes I have a bit of toast, but not often.
Interviewer: What time do you have to leave home to get to work?
Secretary: Haft past eight. It usually takes me three quarters of an hour to get there in the rush hour. I go by bus and I like to get there a bit early. I don’t really start work till half past nine.
Interviewer: Do you have a coffee break in the morning?
Secretary: Yes, at about 11 o’ clock for fifteen minutes.
Interviewer: What about your lunch break? What time’s that?
Secretary: I get an hour and a quarter, and I usually take it from a quarter to one till two.
Interviewer: I see. Do you get any break in the afternoon?
Secretary: Yes, a-quarter-of-an-hour’s tea break, usually at about half past three.
Interviewer: And what time do you finish work in the after noon?
Secretary: Half past five. Then I get home at about half past six. If we’re lucky, dinner’s ready at a bout seven o’clock. After that I watch TV for a bit, and perhaps do a few odd jobs about the house and then it seems to be time for bed. I’ m usually in bed and asleep by eleven.
Interviewer: Your day seems to be as busy as mine! Thank you.



