President-elect Donald Trump and his top aides pushed back aggressively at accounts of a rocky transition, with Trump attacking

admin2019-04-11  48

问题    President-elect Donald Trump and his top aides pushed back aggressively at accounts of a rocky transition, with Trump attacking The New York Times and his staff making efforts to assure the public that accounts of internal turmoil had been greatly exaggerated.
   Despite the focus on public relations, there was little indication the team had progressed toward assembling an administration, and questions remained unanswered about the level of influence that Trump’s family would exert in the new White House.
   Rooms set aside for Trump staffers at the Pentagon, for example, remained vacant, an indication that Trump’s team had yet to begin the complicated process of getting up to speed on the details of taking over the military and other sectors of government. The State Department had also heard nothing from Trump’s emissaries, even as Trump’s staff released an extensive roster of foreign leaders who had spoken with Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence.
   Democrats, still absorbing last week’s electoral rebuke, took further steps toward defining how they would operate as an opposition party, voting in a leadership team in the Senate with a few new names, including Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, aimed at broadening their appeal to white working-class voters who defected the party for Trump.
   Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, whose role in the new administration remains undefined , was one of two top aides to speak with reporters in hopes of changing perceptions. Conway said reports of firings and disorganization were false. Yet she offered little clarity about who would be taking roles in the administration, including Trump’s son-in-law, 35-year-old real-estate investor Jared Kush-ner. She said she did not know whether Kushner would be getting security clearance to attend top-secret briefings, but left open the possibility when asked whether it would be appropriate.
   Trump took out his frustrations over media accounts on The New York Times, angrily tweeting about the paper’s coverage of his transition.
   Even some Republicans conceded they had concerns about the transition, however. Texas Sen. John Cornyn, the second-ranking leader of the Senate, said he had received no direct information from the transition team about its work, even as the Senate will be in charge of confirming Trump’s Cabinet picks, according to the Texas Tribune...
   Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California will take over as ranking democrat on the Judiciary Committee, a key role as Trump moves to nominate a justice to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by the February death of Antonin Scalia.


答案 针对唐纳德-特朗普团队交接工作困难重重的报道,这位当选总统及其高级顾问积极展开回击进行反驳。特朗普抨击《纽约时报》的报道,其团队成员则努力说服公众有关内部动荡的报道为夸大其词。 尽管特朗普团队集中精力开展公关工作,但并未有任何迹象表明其团队在政府组建方面取得了丝毫的进展,此外特朗普家族将在美国新政府中发挥怎样的影响,尚不可知。 举例来说,为特朗普团队准备妥当的五角大楼办公室依然空空如也,这表明他们还未着手接管军队和其他政府部门的具体事宜。虽然工作人员发布了与特朗普和副总统麦克-彭斯通过话的外国领导人的长名单,但美国国务院仍未得到总统使特使方面的消息。 与此同时,仍未摆脱上周选举失利影响的民主党人采取了进一步举措,以明确其作为在野党的运作方式,并投票选举新人加入参议院领导队伍,其中包括佛蒙特州参议员伯尼-桑德斯。此举旨在扩大民主党在“变节”改投特朗普的白人工人阶级选民中的影响。 担任特朗普竞选经理的凯莉安-康威在新政府中将任何职尚不明确,她与另一位总统高级助理接受了记者的采访,以期改变公众的认知。她驳斥了有关特朗普开除多位工作人员、导致团队解散的报道,称它们为子虚乌有。但她并未透露关于新政府人事的明确信息,比如总统女婿,35岁的房地产投资人贾里德-库什纳将任何职。她称自己并不清楚库什纳是否会获得参与绝密简报发布会的安全许可,但被问及这是否恰当时,她并未否定其可能性。 特朗普在社交媒体账号上宣泄了自己对《纽约时报》的不满,他发布推文,愤怒指责该报对其权力交接一事的报道。 然而,就连一些共和党人也坦言对新政府权力交接心存忧虑。据《得克萨斯州论坛报》报道,尽管特朗普的内阁提名需接受参议院的表决认可,但参议院领导团体的二号人物得州参议员约翰-科尼尔称从未得到来自交接团队的任何与工作相关的消息。 加州参议员黛安-范士丹将接任司法委员会高级民主党参议员一职,并将在特朗普提交新大法官人选时起到关键作用,因最高法院大法官安东尼-斯卡利亚已于2月逝世。

