19世纪末,德国地理学家斐迪南-冯-里希霍芬(Ferdinand von Richthofen)首次提出了“丝绸之路”的名称。在整个人类文明史上,迄今为止,还没有一种以具体日用物品命名的事物,会在长达一个世纪的时间里,在东西方引起如此广泛而深远的影响。然而

admin2020-02-11  35

问题    19世纪末,德国地理学家斐迪南-冯-里希霍芬(Ferdinand von Richthofen)首次提出了“丝绸之路”的名称。在整个人类文明史上,迄今为止,还没有一种以具体日用物品命名的事物,会在长达一个世纪的时间里,在东西方引起如此广泛而深远的影响。然而重新审视这条道路在文明史上的表现,丝绸贸易并非是其唯一内容,并且这一名称也无法准确概括当时东西方文明交融的全部内容。
   由此可见, “丝绸之路”并不能完全概括这条道路的丰富文化内涵。丝绸的运输也不仅仅纯粹是一种物品的交流,而是有着深刻的文化意蕴。


答案 The German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen first used the name "Silk Road" at the end of the 19th century to refer to the historical period of communication between Eastern and Western civilization. Ever since its first use the name has caused so great changes and influences in the last century that no other name could rival it in the form of tangible materials throughout human history. To take a closer look at its influences in history, however, we can find that the road means far more than what can be denoted by the name, especially when the trade of silk was not the sole trade then, and the name itself could not denote the full significance of the communications between the West and the East. As far as we know today, what was traded then on the road included, besides silk, other commodities such as spice, paper, porcelain, etc. These goods, though they are everyday products familiar to us today, represented the highest achievement of civilization at the time. Apart from such tangible accomplishment, religious beliefs and cultural notions also found a way of dissemination through the road. From the above, we can see that the name "Silk Road" can hardly cover all the cultural significances of the road. Therefore, the trade of silk not only means mere material flow between the West and the East, but also cultural communications as well. In fact, the meandering road has recorded every movement of the Chinese civilization throughout history due to its unique geographical location and environment.

解析 1.19世纪末,德国地理学家斐迪南-冯-里希霍芬(Ferdinand von Richthofen)首次提出了“丝绸之路”的名称。在整个人类文明史上,迄今为止,还没有一种以具体日用物品命名的事物,会在长达一个世纪的时间里,在东西方引起如此广泛而深远的影响。The German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen first used the name“Silk Road”at the end of the 19th century to refer to the historical period of communication between Eastern and Western civilization.Ever since its first use the name has caused so great changes and influences in the last century that no other name could rival it in the form of tangible materials throughout human history.
(1)利用题面信息 考生在考试时,须充分留意题目已经给出的所有信息。本篇汉英翻译中,汉语原文涉及与丝绸之路相关的重要信息。由于考生未必熟悉这些信息,为了方便考生翻译,题目给出了不易查找的个别汉语语词的英译。本篇中,德国著名地理学家斐迪南-冯-里希霍芬的姓名的英语拼写形式在普通汉英词典中不易查到,因此,汉语原文给出了其英语译文“Ferdinand von Richthofen”。考生在翻译时只需把这一英语译名抄录到自己的译文中即可。需要注意的是,斐迪南-冯-里希霍芬为德语姓名拼写形式,中间的“von”应小写,这与英语姓名拼写形式不同,在抄录过程中宜心细,不要抄错。
(2)语义重组 汉语句子为两个长句,包含的信息量很大。翻译成英语时根据语义进行了重新组合,把原文第二句中的“人类文明史”“东西方(交往)”等内容提前到了英语译文的第一句中,形成了两个比较长的英语句子。
(3)人名翻译 翻译人名时有两种情况需要区别对待。正常情况下,译者需要把源语人名翻译成译入语人名。这时,译者需要遵从“名从主人”“约定俗成”两条原则。 “名从主人”指译者要根据该姓名在原文中的发音习惯去音译; “约定俗成”指译者翻译时应该采用译界已经形成的习惯译法,不能“另起炉灶”。做到这两点可有效避免在译语文献中出现“一名多译”的混乱局面,这在科学研究文献中贻害尤大。如现任美国总统Donald Trump,其英语发音为[’dnld tr∧mp],汉语译名据此可音译为“唐纳德-特朗普”,港台也译作“唐纳德-川普”。另外一种情况是,源语文本的姓名需要“回译”,即该姓名原本来自译入语,译者需要“还原”译入语姓名,无须重新音译。汉语原文的“斐迪南-冯-里希霍芬”原本属于德语姓名,翻译时直接“还原”为德语原文即可。英汉翻译中,有时译者对常见人名的英语拼写形式不熟悉,无法“还原”为汉语姓名,就会闹出“常凯申”那样的笑话。
(4)合理延伸 根据历史常识,丝绸之路延续几千年,在海上东西方之间的交通通道建立起来之前,是东西方交往的重要陆上通道。因此,英语译文译作“a historical period of communication”,增加了“comnqunication”一词。这是对原文信息的合理延伸,符合语言表达的习惯。
(5)译者素养 作为译者,忠实地传递源语文本信息,并不是说必须对原文亦步亦趋,不可越雷池半步,而是应该如奈达(Eugene Nida)所言,原文与译文之间做到动态对等(dynamic equivalence)。这应该成为译者的一项基本素养。
2.然而重新审视这条道路在文明史上的表现,丝绸贸易并非是其唯一内容。并且这一名称也无法准确概括当时东西方文明交融的全部内容。To take a closer look at its influences in history, however, we can find that the road means far more than what can be denoted by the name,especially when the trade of silk was not the sole trade then,and the name itself could not denote the full significance of the communications between the West and the East.
本句翻译体现了典型的中英思维差异。为了英语译文更加符合语义逻辑,译文增加了主语“we”。为了语义连贯,译文采用了动词不定式“to take a closer look at…”和宾语从句“we find that…”,有效地保证了英语译文的通达流畅。
3.就我们今天所能了解的情形看,除了丝绸之外,当时通过这条道路交流的还有各种香料、纸张、瓷器等。这些在今天看来十分普通的物品,在当时却代表了某一文明形态的最高成就。As far as we know today, what was traded then on the road included,besides silk,other commodities such as spice,paper, porcelain,etc.These goods,though they are everyday products familiar to us today, represented the highest achievement of civilization at the time.
汉语原文有两个句子,英语译文也按汉语意群翻译成了两个句子,每个句子中分别采用了程度状语从句“as far as…”和让步状语从句“though…”,体现出了原文汉语短句之间的层次关系和逻辑关系。英语译文还使用了同义名词“commodities”“goods”和“products”,使英语表达更丰富。
4.除这些物品之外,宗教思想和文化观念,也通过这条道路不断得以传播。Apart from such tangible accomplishment,religious beliefs and cultural notions also found a way of dissemination through the road.
原文的“这些物品”在英语句子中表述为“such tangible accomplishment”,显化了原文语义。英语译文还在“road”前面使用了定冠词“the”,这是英语最常见的限定手段,是准确表达作者原意的必须手段。英语译文并没有按照汉语原文“这条道路”翻译作“this road”,只有在确指的情况下英语行文才用“this”“that”这类代词。
5.事实上,绵长的丝绸之路,由于其独特的地理位置和环境,华夏文明史上每一次文明的迁徙与文化的传播,都在这里留下了鲜明的印记与积淀。In fact,the meandering road has recorded every movement of the Chinese civilization throughout history due to its unique geographical location and environment.
由于中英行文习惯的差异,英语译文对原文语序做了调整,把原文的“由于其独特的地理位置和环境”以介词短语的形式放在了句子的末尾,这就突显了句子的焦点“丝绸之路……留下了鲜明的印记与积淀”,符合英语的行文习惯。另外,原文的“都在这里留下了鲜明的印记与积淀”在译文中简化为“has recorded”,保证了译文的简洁和流畅。
