How long you live has much to do with your environment and lifestyle such as not smoking, eating a healthy diet and remaining so

admin2018-07-10  12

问题     How long you live has much to do with your environment and lifestyle such as not smoking, eating a healthy diet and remaining socially engaged etc. But living an exceptionally long life may have even more to do with your genes.. For the first time, researchers have identified a genetic recipe that accurately predicts who may live to 100 and beyond.
    It seems clear that those who live to an exceptionally ripe old age are benefiting from a special DNA boost Researchers believe that the older a person gets, the more likely it is that his or her genes are contributing to those extended years. They have found that the 19 most common genetic profiles that distinguished the exceptionally long-lived appear to be correlated with lower incidence of certain diseases including high blood pressure, diabetes and brain disorder.
    Researchers hope their work will lead to better ways to help more people live a longer life.


答案 你的寿命与所处的环境和所保持的生活方式(如不抽烟、健康饮食、保持社交等)有着莫大的关系。不过,要想特别长寿,更大程度上还是基因说了算。研究人员首次识别出能准确预测某人是否能活到100岁及以上的基因图谱。 超乎常人的长寿者似乎显然得益于特殊的DNA的帮助。研究人员相信,一个人的寿命越长,其基因对长寿所起的作用很可能就越大。他们发现,区分特别长寿者的19个最常见的基因档案似乎与特定疾病(包括高血压、糖尿病和大脑功能紊乱)的低发病率相关。 研究人员希望他们的研究能为人们指明更好的方向——帮助更多的人更长寿。

解析     1.文章首句看似不长,但要译好也有一定难度。该句由How long引导的名词性从句How long you live作主语,不可望文生义理解为“住多长时间”或“生活多长时间”,联系上下文,即可知文章与长寿有关,显然live是“活”的意思,可直译为“你能活多久”,但译作“你的寿命”则更简洁明快。谓语has much to do with是固定搭配,意为“与……有很大关系”。宾语your environment直译成“你的环境”则不太通顺,可增泽为“你所处的环境”。最后such as...是对lifestyle的举例,如果将其处理成lifestyle的定语前置,则会显得很拖沓,可像译文一样放在lifestyle之后,用括号括起来,起到对lifestyle解释说明的作用。
    2.第二段第二句为一个复合句,主句Researchers believe可直译为“研究人员相信”。从句为该句翻译的难点,包含the more…,the more…的结构。the older a person gets不能简单翻译成“一个人变得越老”,联系上句的“长寿者显然得益于DNA的帮助”可知,变得越老即寿命越长,所以翻译成“一个人的寿命越长”更恰当些。those extended years也不能简单直译为“延长的年数”,简化为“长寿”更准确明了。
