我直到几十年以后,才体会到云彩更多,霞光才愈美丽。从云翳中外露的霞光,才是璀璨多彩的。 生命中不是只有快乐,也不是只有痛苦,快乐和痛苦是相生相成,互相衬托的。 快乐是一抹微云,痛苦是压城的乌云,这不同的云彩,在你生命的天边重叠着,在“夕阳无限好

admin2019-01-22  42

问题    我直到几十年以后,才体会到云彩更多,霞光才愈美丽。从云翳中外露的霞光,才是璀璨多彩的。


答案 Life contains neither unalloyed happiness nor mere misery. Happiness and misery beget, complement and set off each other. Happiness is a wisp of fleecy cloud: misery a mass of threatening dark cloud. These different clouds overlap on the horizon of your life to create a beautiful dusk for you when "the setting sun is most lovely indeed". An individual’s life must inevitably reach the point when "dusk is so near", and the rosy sunset cloud may make one nostalgic and melancholy. But human life goes on and on. The Earth ceaselessly rotates on its axis around the sun. When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west.

