Write an essay based on the chart. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart, and 2) give your comments. Yo

admin2015-11-23  25

问题     Write an essay based on the chart. In your writing, you should
    1) interpret the chart, and
    2) give your comments.
    You should write about 150 words.


答案 As the bar chart shows, difficulties encountered by students from countryside and cities are somewhat different. To be exact, they both feel that it is most difficult to make friends with the opposite sex, but students from cities find it harder to communicate with their roommates (16%), classmates (11%) and parents (8%) than students from the countryside (10%, 10% and 5% respectively). On the contrary, students with countryside background consider it slightly harder communicating with teachers (7%) than students with city background (5%). I think personality developed in different backgrounds might explain this finding. First, students from cities tend to be more assertive, confident and outspoken. This may lead to some dormitory conflicts. Second, students from countryside are unsophisticated, tolerant and appreciative, thereby avoiding possible interpersonal conflicts. Third, both groups might be dissuaded from having premature love affairs in high school, leading to the awkward and uncomfortable communication with the opposite sex in college. To tackle this problem, I think relationship and communication counseling need to be made available to university students.

解析 这幅柱状图反映了城市生源和农村生源的学生在大学阶段所遇到的人际交往问题。从调查结果可见。城市生源和农村生源所遇到的问题不尽相同。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求。全文可以安排如下:第一段描述图表。第二段指出该调查结果的可能原因:在不同环境中所形成的性格可以解释这一调查发现。其一,城市生源学生比较武断、自信、敢言。其二,农村生源的学生比较单纯、善于容忍、心存感激。其三,两个群体可能在中学时都被劝说不能早恋。因此到了大学也不善于与异性交往。第三段提出个人建议:应向大学生提供恋爱和沟通的心理辅导。
