Have you noticed how certain industries move together? For example, one airline introduces a particular service and every other

admin2018-07-10  31

问题     Have you noticed how certain industries move together? For example, one airline introduces a particular service and every other airline immediately follows.
    The most recent example of this copycat phenomenon is how the hotel industry is thinking of and deploying technology. Simple ideas such as using your smartphone to open your door are now being offered as "new technologies."
    Copycat innovation forces many or all in a sector to improve and add new features to their offerings. But it withholds the cutting edge, the competitiveness and bold nature of break-out innovation as everyone is playing safe. The major negative is that borrowed innovations do not draw new members and becomes a stale "me-too" strategy.
    Here is the sweet irony: we customers would love to see totally innovative offerings and experimental ideas rolled out for us to test! So don’t wait until everything is sorted out and perfected behind closed doors—throw it at your customers now.


答案 你有没有注意到某些行业是怎么一起行动的?举个例子,一家航空公司推出了一项独特的服务,其他的航空公司立马就跟风效仿。 这种跟屁虫现象的最新事例是酒店行业如何考虑和利用科技的。一些诸如用智能手机开门的简单构想,现正作为“新技术”在酒店推出。 模仿性创新会迫使一个行业中的许多人或者所有人改进其产品以及给产品增加新功能。然而,这也抑制了尖端技术的开发,有碍企业提高竞争力,违背了突破创新的本质,因为所有人都在打安全牌。其主要的负面影响是此类模仿性创新不能招来新顾客,并且会变成一种老旧的“人有我也有”策略。 甜蜜的讽刺在于:我们顾客乐于见到企业推出完全创新的产品和实验性的想法让我们测试!所以不要等到一切都在私下弄清楚并且完善了,才拿出你的新产品和新点子,现在就把它们扔给你的顾客吧。

解析     1.第三段第二句的翻译难点主要在于主句谓语动词withholds和三个并列宾语的处理。如该部分简单直译成“抑制前沿地位、竞争力和大胆创新的本质”,容易有硬译和搭配不当之嫌。我们可在理解原文的基础上进行意译,将withhold用三个动词表达,搭配不同宾语,译为三个并列的动宾短语,如“抑制……”、“阻碍……”、“违背……”。至于三个宾语,可适当补词,使表达更清晰到位,比如:“抑制尖端技术”实际上是抑制人们开发尖端技术的欲望和动力,可译为“抑制尖端技术的开发”。
