For some time past I had been ascending a low, broad, flat-topped hill, and on forcing my way through the undergrowth into the o

admin2019-03-20  57

问题     For some time past I had been ascending a low, broad, flat-topped hill, and on forcing my way through the undergrowth into the open I found myself on the level plateau, an unenclosed spot overgrown with heather and scattered furze bushes, with clumps of fir and birch trees. Before me and on either hand at this elevation a vast extent of country was disclosed. The surface was everywhere broken, but there was no break in the wonderful greenness, which the recent rain had intensified. There is too much green, to my thinking, with too much uniformity in its soft, bright tone, in South Devon. After gazing on such a landscape the brown, harsh, scanty vegetation of the hilltop seemed all the more grateful. The heath was an oasis and a refuge; I rambled about in it until my feet and legs were wet; then I sat down to let them dry and altogether spent several agreeable hours at that spot, pleased at the thought that no human fellow-creature would intrude upon me. Feathered companions were, however, not wanting. The crowing of cock pheasants from the thicket beside the old road warned me that I was on preserved grounds. Not too strictly preserved, however, for there was my old friend the carrion crow out foraging for his young. He dropped down over the trees, swept past me, and was gone. At this season, in the early summer, he may be easily distinguished, when flying, from his relation the rook (白嘴鸭). When on the prowl the crow glides smoothly and rapidly through the air, often changing his direction, now flying close to the surface, anon mounting high, but oftenest keeping nearly on a level with the tree tops. His gliding and curving motions are somewhat like those of the herring gull, but the wings in gliding are carried stiff and straight, the tips of the long flight-feathers showing a slight upward curve. But the greatest difference is in the way the head is carried. The rook, like the heron and stork, carries his beak pointing lance-like straight before him. He knows his destination, and makes for it; he follows his nose, so to speak, turning neither to the right nor the left. The foraging crow continually turns his head, gull-like and harrier (猎兔狗) -like, from side to side, as if to search the ground thoroughly or to concentrate his vision on some vaguely seen object. (404 words)


答案 相当长一段时间,我一直在攀登一座低矮宽阔的平顶小山;当我拨开灌丛,又出现在空地时,我已置身于一片平坦高地,四面空旷,石南与零星荆豆杂生,其间也有几处稠密的冷杉桦木。在我面前以及高地两侧,弥望尽是一带旷野。那田垄地亩时有中断,唯独那惊人的青葱翠绿绵延不绝,由于新近降雨丰沛,那绿色愈发浓烈。依我看,南德文郡里的绿色未免过多,色调的柔和与亮度也过趋单一。在眼睛饱餍这种景色之后,山顶上那些棕褐刺目的稀疏草木反而给人一种爽心怡目之感。这块石楠地宛如一片绿洲与趋避之地;我在那里漫步许久,一直弄得腿脚淋湿;然后坐下来等脚晒干,就这样在这里愉快地度过了几个小时,高兴的是这里再没有人前来打搅。不过鸟类友伴并不缺乏。路边丛林间一只雄雉的鸣叫似乎已在警告我说我已闯入了禁猎地带。或许这里的禁猎并不严格,因为我看到我所熟识的乌鸦出来为它的幼雏觅食。它在树上稍停了停,接着掠我而过,不见了踪影。在这个季节,即初夏时期,当飞起时,很容易区分乌鸦与它的近亲白嘴鸭。前者觅食时,在空中流畅而迅速的滑过,并不断地改变着方向,时而贴近地面,继而又升得很高,但一般保持着约与树齐的高度。它的滑翔与转弯动作与鲱鱼鸥略相似,只是滑翔时翅膀挺得直直,那长长的飞羽尖端呈现一条稍稍上翘的曲线。但最主要的区别在于飞行时的头部姿势。白嘴鸭,像苍鹭与鹤,总是将长矛般的利喙笔直地伸向前面。飞行时,它方向明确,毫不犹豫;直着飞,既不左顾,也不右盼。而那觅食的乌鸦则不停地转动头部,像海鸥或猎兔狗那样,忽而这边,忽而那边,仿佛在对地面进行彻底搜查,或集中其视力于某个模糊难辨的事物。

解析     本文选自威廉.亨利.赫德逊(William Henry Hudson)的散文《林鸟》(Birds)。英国博物学家兼作家赫德逊自幼酷爱自然,尤其喜欢观察鸟类的生活习惯,他的散文清新自然,朴实亲切。选段描述了他散步于野外的所见所闻,并从飞行习惯等方面比较了乌鸦、白嘴鸭、鲱鱼鸥等的不同之处,语言生动形象,文学性强,翻译时需要保持语言风格上的一致。
