PASSAGE ONE (1) Then, at last, the Chief Elder called number One to the stage, and the Assignments began. Each announcement wa

admin2023-03-12  33

(1) Then, at last, the Chief Elder called number One to the stage, and the Assignments began.   Each announcement was lengthy, accompanied by a speech directed at the new Twelve.
(2)   Jonas tried to pay attention as One, smiling happily, received her Assignment as Fish Hatchery Attendant along with words of praise for her childhood spent doing many volunteer hours there, and her obvious interest in the important process of providing nourishment for the community. Number One—her name was Madeline—returned, finally, amidst applause, to her seat, wearing the new badge that designated her Fish Hatchery Attendant. Jonas was certainly glad that that Assignment was taken; he wouldn’t have wanted it. But he gave Madeline a smile of congratulation.
(3)  Jonas noticed that Asher looked nervous. He kept turning his head and glancing back at Jonas until the group leader had to give him a silent chastisement, a motion to sit still and face forward. He tried to sort through the list in his mind, the possible Assignments that remained. But there were so many he gave it up; and anyway, now it was Asher’s turn.
(4)   He paid strict attention as his friend went to the stage and stood self-consciously beside the Chief Elder. "All of us in the community know and enjoy Asher," the Chief Elder began. Asher grinned and scratched one leg with the other foot. The audience chuckled softly. "When the committee began to consider Asher’s Assignment," she went on, "there were some possibilities that were immediately discarded. Some that would clearly not have been right for Asher. For example," she said, smiling, " we did not consider for an instant designating Asher an Instructor of Threes. "
(5)  "In fact," the Chief Elder continued, chuckling a little herself, "we even gave a little thought to some retroactive chastisement for the one who had been Asher’s Instructor of Threes so long ago. At the meeting where Asher was discussed, we retold many of the stories that we all remembered from his days of language acquisition. Especially," she said, chuckling, "the difference between snack and smack. Remember, Asher?" Asher nodded ruefully, and the audience laughed aloud. Jonas did, too.
(6)  He remembered, though he had been only a Three at the time himself. The punishment used for small children was a regulated system of smacks with the discipline wand: a thin, flexible weapon that stung painfully when it was wielded. The Childcare specialists were trained very carefully in the discipline methods-, a quick smack across the hands for a bit of minor misbehavior; three sharper smacks on the bare legs for a second offense.
(7)  Poor Asher, who always talked too fast and mixed up words, even as a toddler. As a Three, eager for his juice and crackers at snack time he one day said "smack" instead of "snack" as he stood waiting in line for the morning treat. Jonas remembered it clearly. He could still see little Asher, wiggling with impatience in the line. He remembered the cheerful voice calling out, "I want my smack!"
(8)  The other Threes, including Jonas, had laughed nervously. "Snack 1" they corrected. "You meant snack, Asher!" But the mistake had been made. And precision of language was one of the most important tasks of small children. Asher had asked for a smack. The discipline wand, in the hand of the Childcare worker, whistled as it came down across Asher’s hands. Asher whimpered, cringed, and corrected himself instantly. "Snack," he whispered. But the next morning he had done it again. And again the following week. He couldn’t seem to stop, though for each lapse the discipline wand came again, escalating to a series of painful lashes that left marks on Asher’s legs. Eventually, for a period of time, Asher stopped talking altogether, when he was a Three.
(9)  "For a while," the Chief Elder said, relating the story, "we had a silent Asher\ But he Vearned. " "Asher," she lifted her voice to make the official announcement. "We have given you the Assignment of Assistant Director of Recreation. "
(10)   The Assignments continued, and Jonas watched and listened, relieved now by the wonderful Assignment his best friend had been given. But he was more and more apprehensive as his own approached. Now the new Twelves in the row ahead had all received their badges.
(11)  Eighteen, Fiona, on his left, was called. Even the applause, though enthusiastic, seemed serene when Fiona was given the important Assignment of Caretaker of the Old.
(12)  Jonas prepared himself to walk to the stage when the applause ended and the Chief Elder picked up the next folder and looked down to the group to call forward the next new Twelve. He was calm now that his turn had come. He took a deep breath and smoothed his hair with his hand. " Twenty," he heard her voice say clearly.  "Pierre. "
(13)  She skipped me, Jonas thought, stunned. Had he heard wrong? No. There was a sudden hush in the crowd, and he knew that the entire community realized that the Chief Elder had moved from Eighteen to Twenty, leaving a gap.  On his right, Pierre, with a startled look, rose from his seat and moved to the stage.
(14)  A mistake. She made a mistake. But Jonas knew, even as he had the thought, that she hadn’t. The Chief Elder made no mistakes. Not at the Ceremony of Twelve. He felt dizzy, and couldn’t focus his attention. He didn’t hear what Assignment Pierre received, and was only dimly aware of the applause as the boy returned, wearing his new badge.  Then: Twenty-one,  Twenty-two.
(15)  The numbers continued in order. Jonas sat, dazed, as they moved into the Thirties and then the Forties, nearing the end. Each time, at each announcement, his heart jumped for a moment, and he thought wild thoughts. Perhaps now she would call his name. Could he have forgotten his own number? No. He had always been Nineteen.  He was sitting in the seat marked Nineteen.
(16)  But she had skipped him. He saw the others in his group glance at him, embarrassed, and then avert their eyes quickly. He saw a worried look on the face of his group leader. He hunched his shoulders and tried to make himself smaller in the seat. He wanted to disappear, to fade away, not to exist. He didn’t dare to turn and find his parents in the crowd. He couldn’t bear to see their faces darkened with shame. Jonas bowed his head and searched through his mind.  What had he done wrong?
Why did the Chief Elder consider Asher not suitable to be an Instructor of Threes?



解析 事实细节题。根据题干关键词an Instructor of Threes定位至第四段最后一句。随后几段说明了原因,其中第六至八段回忆了亚瑟学习语言时反复犯错并因此受罚的事,可见首席长老之所以说不会让亚瑟给三岁孩子当老师,是因为他的语言天赋似乎不够,故答案为B。A答非所问,虽然亚瑟三岁时确实受到过老师的惩罚,但这并非不让他当老师的原因,故排除;从回忆的内容可以看出,亚瑟是在受罚之后的一段时间内沉默寡言,这也并非不让他当老师的原因,故排除C;虽然亚瑟之前有表达方面的问题,但后来已经有所改善,故排除D。
