A、Policeman and policewoman. B、Bus driver and passenger. C、Policeman and witness. D、Policeman and victim. C旅行交通类,身份关系题。男士问女士看到车祸

admin2015-09-13  33

W: I didn’t expect the dormitory to be so noisy. There must be something we could do about it.
M: Maybe we could request the dormitory council to have it soundproofed.
Q: What does the man suggest doing?
M: When you saw the accident, did you ring us immediately?
W: Yes. The first thing that struck me was to call the police.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

选项 A、Policeman and policewoman.
B、Bus driver and passenger.
C、Policeman and witness.
D、Policeman and victim.


解析 旅行交通类,身份关系题。男士问女士看到车祸后是否第一时间给他们打了电话,女士回答说,看到车祸想到的第一件事情就是打电话报警。由此可见,两人的关系是警察与车祸目击者。
