from that involved A. These ancient innovators were deeply (56)______in the problems of authority B. the marketing of products d

admin2013-06-12  33

问题 from that involved
A. These ancient innovators were deeply (56)______in the problems of authority
B. the marketing of products derived (57)______that principle
C. management applies to the wonders (58)______have evolved from Faraday and other inventors
    From the demonstration of a principle to (59)______is often a long, involved series
of steps. The speed and effectiveness with which these steps are taken are closely related to the history of management, the art of getting things done. Just as(60)______, so it applied some 4,000 years ago to the working of the great Egyptian and Mesopotamian import and export Hannibal’s remarkable feat of crossing the Alps in 218 B.C. with 90,000 foot soldiers, 12,000 horsemen and a "conveyor belt" of 40 elephants...or to the early Christian Church, with its world-shaking concepts of individual freedom and equality.
     (61)______, divisions of labor, discipline, unity of command, clarity of direction and the other basic factors that are so meaningful to management today. But the real impetus to management as an emerging profession was the Industrial Revolution. Originating in 18-century England, it was triggered by a series of classic inventions and new processes; among them John Kay’s flying Shuttle in 1733, James Hargrove’s Spinning Jenny in 1770, Samuel Compton’s Mule Spinner in 1779 and Edmund Cartwright’s Power Loom in 1785.



解析 根据语境可知,空格所在句的意思为:就像管理适用于从Faraday和其他发明家发展而来的奇迹一样,它同样适用于大约4000年前由伟大的埃及和美索不达米亚人民所开办的进出口公司里的工作方式……也适用于汉尼拔在公元前218年带领9000名步兵,12000个骑兵和一条由40头大象组成的”传送带”翻越阿尔卑斯山脉的壮举……或是适用于早期传播举世皆惊的个人自由平等理念的基督教。所以,C项符合题意。
