A、Hurting other people. B、Injuring yourself. C、Losing your belongings. D、Losing your life. A①对话中男士提到女士必须购买保险,因此女士问“如果我摔断腿会有赔偿吗”,

admin2017-05-17  33

M: Hello, this is "Paragliders’ Paradise". How can I help you?
W: Oh hi. [6]I’m ringing because I’m interested in doing a course in paragliding.
M: Which course are you interested in?
W: Well, I’m not sure. What’s available?
M: Well, we’ve got the introductory course which lasts for two days.
M: Or there’s the 4-day beginners’ course which is what most people do first. I’d tend to recommend that one. And there’s also the elementary pilot course which takes five to six days depending on conditions.
W: We will probably try the beginner’s course. What sort of prices are we looking at?
M: [7]The introductory is $190; the beginner’s course, which is what you’d probably be looking at, is $320—no sorry 330—it’s just gone up, and the pilot course is $430.
W: Right.
M: And you also have to become a member of our club so that you’re insured. That’ll cost you $12 a day. Everyone has to take out insurance, you see.
W: Does that cover me if I break a leg?
M: No, I’m afraid not. [8]It’s only 3rd party and covers you against damage to other people or their belongings, but not theft or injury. You would need to take out your own personal accident insurance.
W: I see! And what’s the best way to get to your place? By public transport or could we come by bike? [9]We’re pretty keen cyclists.
M: [9]It’s difficult by public transport although there is a bus from Newcastle; most people get here by car, though, because we’re a little off the beaten track. But you could ride here OK. I’ll send you a map. Just let me take down a few details. What’s your name?
W: Maria Gentle.
M: And how about your address, Maria?
W: Well, [10]I’m a student staying with a family in Newcastle.
M: So it’s care of...
W: Care of Mr. and Mrs. McDonald.
M: Like the hamburgers!
W: Yes, exactly. The post office box address is probably best. It’s Post Office Box 676, Newcastle.
M: Is there a fax number there, because I could fax you the information?
W: Yes, actually, there is. It’s 0249 that’s for Newcastle and then 775431.
M: OK. Now if you decide to do one of our courses, you’ll need to book in advance and to pay when you book. How would you be paying?
W: By credit card, if that’s OK. Do you take Visa?
M: Yes, fine. We take all major credit cards, including Visa—or bank cheques but not personal cheques, I’m afraid. And cash, of course. We never say "No" to cash.
W: OK. Thank you very much for all the information.
6. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
7. How much does the woman need to pay for the course she chooses?
8. What does the insurance most probably covers?
9. How will the woman probably get to the man’s place?
10. What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?

选项 A、Hurting other people.
B、Injuring yourself.
C、Losing your belongings.
D、Losing your life.


解析 ①对话中男士提到女士必须购买保险,因此女士问“如果我摔断腿会有赔偿吗”,男士回答这种保险是针对第三方的,如果对他人的人身和财产造成了伤害会得到保险公司的赔偿,因此选A。②B“自己受伤”、C“个人物品丢失,,和D“个人死亡”都不属于保险的范围,所以男士建议女士办理个人意外伤害险。
