(1) He had arranged to meet Sally on Saturday in the National Gallery. She was to come there as soon as she was released from th

admin2021-02-21  29

问题    (1) He had arranged to meet Sally on Saturday in the National Gallery. She was to come there as soon as she was released from the shop and had agreed to lunch with him. Two days had passed since he had seen her, and his exultation (得意感) had not left him for a moment. It was because he rejoiced in the feeling that he had not attempted to see her. He had repeated to himself exactly what he would say to her and how he should say it. Now his impatience was unbearable. He had written to Doctor South and had in his pocket a telegram from him received that morning: "Sacking the mumpish (愠怒的) fool. When will you come?" Philip walked along Parliament Street. It was a fine day, and there was a bright, frosty sun which made the light dance in the street. It was crowded. There was a tenuous mist in the distance, and it softened exquisitely the noble lines of the buildings. He crossed Trafalgar Square. Suddenly his heart gave a sort of twist in his body: he saw a woman in front of him who he thought was Mildred. She had the same figure, and she walked with that slight dragging of the feet which was so characteristic of her. Without thinking, but with a beating heart, he hurried till he came alongside, and then, when the woman turned, he saw it was someone unknown to him. It was the face of a much older person, with a lined, yellow skin. He slackened his pace. He was infinitely relieved, but it was not only relief that he felt: it was disappointment too: he was seized with horror of himself. Would he never be free from that passion? At the bottom of his heart, notwithstanding everything, he felt that a strange, desperate thirst for that vile woman would always linger. That love had caused him so much suffering that he knew he would never, never quite be free of it.
   (2) But he wrenched the pang from his heart. He thought of Sally, with her kind blue eyes: and his lips unconsciously formed themselves into a smile. He walked up the steps of the National Gallery and sat down in the first room, so that he should see her the moment she came in. It always comforted him to get among pictures. He looked at none in particular, but allowed the magnificence of their colour, the beauty of their lines, to work upon his soul. His imagination was busy with Sally. It would be pleasant to take her away from that London in which she seemed an unusual figure, like a cornflower in a shop among orchids and azaleas: he had learned in the Kentish hop-field that she did not belong to the town: and he was sure that she would blossom under the soft skies of Dorset to a rarer beauty. She came in, and he got up to meet her. She was in black, with white cuffs at her wrists and a lawn collar round her neck. They shook hands.
   (3) He realised that he had deceived himself: it was no self-sacrifice that had driven him to think of marrying, but the desire for a wife and a home and love: and now that it all seemed to slip through his fingers he was seized with despair. He wanted all that more than anything in the world. What did he care for Spain and its cities, Cordova, Toledo, Leon: what to him were the pagodas of Burmah and the lagoons of South Sea Islands? America was here and now. It seemed to him that all his life he had followed the ideals that other people, by their words or their writings, had instilled into him, and never the desires of his own heart. Always his course had been swayed by what he thought he should do and never by what he wanted with his whole soul to do. He put all that aside now with a gesture of impatience. He had lived always in the future, and the present always, always had slipped through his fingers. His ideals? He thought of his desire to make a design, intricate and beautiful, out of the myriad, meaningless facts of life: had he not seen also that the simplest pattern, that in which a man was born, worked, married, had children, and died, was likewise the most perfect? It might be that to surrender to happiness was to accept defeat, but it was a defeat better than many victories.
How did Philip feel when realizing the woman was someone unknown?

选项 A、He felt rejoiced and relieved.
B、He felt rejoiced and disappointed.
C、He felt relieved and disappointed.
D、He felt a mixed feeling of relief, despair and horror.


解析 细节题。根据题干中的someone unknown定位到原文第一段中间部分。这一部分详细描写了菲利普发现一个貌似米尔德丽德的女人时的心理活动。通过twist、hurried和slackened这些词可以看出他心情非常紧张。但当菲利普发现这个女人不是Mildred时,原文用了三个排比句来形容他心情的转变。relieved、disappointment和was seized with horror这三种情绪都出现了,可见菲利普的心情非常复杂,故D为答案。be seized with意为“被……占据”。另外三个选项都不能完整地形容他的情绪。
