逢到和旧友谈话,就不知不觉地把话题转到旧事上去,这是我的习惯。我在这上面无意识地会感到一种温暖的慰藉。可是这些旧友一年比一年减少了,本来只是屈指可数的几个,少去一个是无法弥补的。我每当听到一个旧友死去的消息,总要惆怅多时。 学校教育给我们的好处不但

admin2020-09-02  24

问题     逢到和旧友谈话,就不知不觉地把话题转到旧事上去,这是我的习惯。我在这上面无意识地会感到一种温暖的慰藉。可是这些旧友一年比一年减少了,本来只是屈指可数的几个,少去一个是无法弥补的。我每当听到一个旧友死去的消息,总要惆怅多时。


答案 When chatting with my old friends, I am in the habit of unwittingly channeling the topic of conversation toward things of former days. From that I unknowingly derive some sort of warm solace. But old friends are dwindling away year by year. They are originally few in number, so the disappearance of any of them is an irreparable loss to me. The news of any old pal’s death will invariably make me sad in my heart for a long, long time. The imparting of knowledge is not the sole advantage of school education. Its greatest advantage is perhaps the opportunity it affords us for making friends. It was not until I had already left school that I began to realize this advantage. And in recent years I have come to understand it even more deeply. I much regret having carelessly frittered away my school days without making many friends. Recently, every morning or evening, whenever I see school kids with satchels walking in twos and threes, hand in hand or shoulder to shoulder, I always envy them for enjoying happy friendship, and inwardly offer them my best wishes.

解析 背景介绍
-  学校教育……离开学校:  “学校教育”就用普通词汇“school education”,这样原文和译文的两个术语比较对应。后面“离开学校”中的“学校”也用意义宽泛的“school”,不要用意义具体的“university”。
-  灌输知识:  “灌输知识”可以译作“impart knowledge”,除此之外,还有一些动词可以选择:  “instill”,  “imbue”,  “inculcate”,“inoculate”。
-  学校教育……求友的机会:这个句子陈述的是一般事实,可以用一般现在时翻译。这是一个递进的并列句,可以这样理解:学校教育给我们的最大好处不仅是灌输知识,而且是为我们提供了交友的机会。“求友”不必直译,可以理解成“交朋友”。最为保险的英语句式可以用“not only…but also”:  “The greatest advantage of school education lies not only in imparting knowledge but perhaps also in providing us with the opportunities for making friends.”。当然用两个简单句来翻译也未尝不可。这只是基本的句式,除此之外,还可以有很多精彩的句式,就看译者的英语表达水平了。
-  这好处……马马虎虎地过去了:该句陈述具体的事实:我离开学校之后才意识到学校教育的好处。  “这几年来更确切地体会到”可以用现在完成时来翻译,但是意识到的事实是过去的事情,应该是过去时态或过去完成时,或者用现在分词的完成时。这是一个表示因果关系的并列复合句,其中还省略了一些宾语和主语。  “这好处”回指前文提到的“学校教育给我们的最大的好处”。我离开学校后才明白了这个道理,这几年来更确切地体会到的也就是这最大的好处,因此我深悔当年没有好好抓住这个机会,多交一些朋友:It was not until I had already left school that I began to realize this advantage.And in recent years I have come to understand it even more deeply.I much regret having carelessly frittered away my school days without making many friends.虽然原文没有,但是根据上下文推断出,作者上学时不是一个朋友都没有交,而是后悔当初没有交很多朋友。
-  每日早晚:不一定是“早上和晚上”,理解成“早上或者晚上”更加符合作者的原意。
-  携着书包:不一定非要用动词来翻译,可以用介词或者其他非谓语动词手段来表达。
-  “我总艳羡”可以译为“I always envy them for…”,但是译为“I cannot help envying them for…”或者“I cannot help admiring them for…”能更加真实地表现作者对于年轻人的羡慕之情:那是一种情不自禁的情感流露。
-  近来每日早晚……替他们祝福:该句陈述的是最近经常做的事情或看到的情景,用一般现在时翻译为好。这是一个复合句,基本上和英语的时间状语从句比较吻合:Recently, every morning or evening,whenever I see school kids with satchels walking in twos and threes,hand in hand or shoulder to shoulder, I always envy them for enjoying happy friendship,and inwardly offer them my best wishes.
