Directions: Many people try to buy the newest products to satisfy their desires. However, some of them never consider their fina

admin2017-08-24  22

问题     Directions: Many people try to buy the newest products to satisfy their desires. However, some of them never consider their financial background, which results in getting them into troubles. Please write a short essay entitled Should People Be Satisfied. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


答案 Should People Be Satisfied In contemporary society, there are new things coming up almost every day. Some people have to face such a fact that you can never buy a real new product, because the newer product always appears after you have bought one. In my view, it is not always good not to satisfy what you already have. On one hand, if we sought after material satisfactions without considering our financial reality, we could find ourselves in trouble. As we know, new products are manufactured and updated almost every day, so there is little possibility that you can always obtain the newest products. On the other hand, every time a new product comes into markets, the price is always much higher than older products. If you do not have a strong financial background to satisfy your desires, how could you be able to afford them? The purpose that we look for new and different things is to live better and happier. If your desires only get you into troubles, it will be a better choice to learn to give up and be satisfied.

