Study the following picture carefully and write an essay of 160-200 words in which you should 1)describe the picture briefly

admin2015-12-28  36

问题     Study the following picture carefully and write an essay of 160-200 words in which you should
    1)describe the picture briefly,
    2)explain its intended meaning and then
    3)give your point of view.


答案 What the picture shows is very vivid and impressive. Water flows out of the bucket at its shortest board and the chain tends to break at its most vulnerable ring. Moreover, just as the words written by an anonymous author, it is the same with people’s development, in which the worst aspect of one’s character plays a decisive role. The philosophy indicated here is that overall quality is determined by weaknesses rather than strengths. Nowadays in China, the rich can afford all the luxuries while the poor can hardly maintain their living. Children from rich families not only receive education in school, but also have tutors at home. In sharp contrast, poor children learn in shabby classrooms if they ever have a chance. However, the poor, like the shortest board of a bucket, determines the overall level of a country’s development. If their living standard remains rather low, they may become the vulnerable link of a chain, posing potential threat to social stability. Therefore, I think, the poor deserves more attention and aid. Governments should not only focus on prosper regions or people, but also realize the poor counts a lot. Therefore, I sincerely advocate that the government attach more importance to the poor since they may count more than expected.

解析 图片中有一个木桶和一根铁链,水正不断地从木桶中最短的那块木板流出,而铁链在最脆弱的一环发出“我快不行了”的哀号。图片生动地表明:无论事物本身有多牢固,只要出现一处纰漏,都将触一发而动全身,造成严重后果。即使考生无法在第一时间从图中直观地提炼出此要点,也可从图片下方的标注得到提示。根据题目要求,文章结构可以分为三部分:首先对图画内容进行简单描述,接着点明漫画的寓意,最后表明自己的观点。
