
admin2013-11-21  33

问题     吃饭时间,“你吃了吗?”是中国人最常用的问候语。不理解这种风俗的外国人会认为这是在邀请一起吃饭。但是,这仅仅是一种问候,不是真的在发出邀请,所以可以回答“吃了,我吃饭了。”或者说“没有,我还没有吃。”除了“你吃了吗?”,中文中还有其他打招呼的方式,比如说“去哪儿?”、“忙吗?”、“干什么呢?”、“去上班?”等等。我们可以发现中国人问候的时候喜欢问另一方在做什么,做了什么,要做什么。


答案 "Have you eaten?" is a common greeting among older Chinese when it is the time for a meal. Foreigners who don’t understand this kind of custom might regard this as an invitation to have a meal together. However, this is just a simple greeting, not a real invitation, so can reply with "yes, I have eaten." or "no, not yet." In addition to "chl le ma?," there are many other expressions for saying hello in Chinese, like "where are you going?," "are you busy?," "what are you doing?," "are you going to work?," etc. We can find that when Chinese people greet each other, they like to ask about the things that other side is doing, just did or is going to do.

