颐和园(the Summer Palace)在天安门广场西北约15公里处,总面积290公顷。现存的颐和园是慈禧太后(Empress Dowager Ci xi)于1888年挪用海军经费重建的。万寿山(Longevity Hill)是颐和园的中心,从山顶可以

admin2014-02-25  38

问题     颐和园(the Summer Palace)在天安门广场西北约15公里处,总面积290公顷。现存的颐和园是慈禧太后(Empress Dowager Ci xi)于1888年挪用海军经费重建的。万寿山(Longevity Hill)是颐和园的中心,从山顶可以俯瞰全景,景色壮丽奇伟,吸引了许多游客。昆明湖占颐和园总面积的四分之三,夏天可以在那里游泳、划船,冬天则可以在那里溜冰。颐和园同时以其美丽的“画廊”——一条绘有精致风景画的木制长廊著称。


答案 The Summer Palace, about 15 kilometres northwest of Tian’anmen Square, covers a total area of 290 hectares. The extant Summer Palace was constructed in 1888 the Empress Dowager Ci Xi, using funds originally intended for imperial navy. Longevity Hill is the focal point of the Summer Palace. The panoramic view from the summit is wonderful, attracting many visitors. Kunming Lake, where people can swim and boat in the summer and skate in the winter, occupies three-quarters of the total park area. The Summer Palace is also famous for its beautiful painted gallery, a wooden walkway decorated with exquisite landscapes.

