A、He drinks for pleasure. B、He drinks to relieve stress. C、He drinks for socialization. D、He drinks as a habit. A①对话中男士在回答喝酒的原因这

admin2017-05-17  37

W: Excuse me.
M: Yes?
W: Hello. I’m, uh, I’m taking a student survey as a part of my Sociology course, and, I wonder if I could ask you a few questions?
M: Uh... well, how long will it take?
W: Oh, only about three minutes. Do you have time?
M: Hmm. Yes, I guess so.
W: Thanks. This is a student survey in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Sociology 117. It’s anonymous. [1]This survey constitutes research data for the topic "The Relation of Student Alcohol Consumption to Student Attendance and Grade Point Average". My name is Nancy Puzzio. Question one: What is your age?
M: I’m nineteen.
W: And your year at BSU?
M: Third year. [2]I graduate at the end of next academic year.
W: Do you drink alcohol at all?
M: Yes, Sometimes.
W: Have you been drinking alcohol since you turned eighteen, the legal drinking age?
M: Yes. I started on my eighteenth birthday, as a matter of fact.
W: How often do you consume alcoholic beverages?
M: Oh, um... maybe once or twice a week, average.
W: And what is your beverage of choice?
M: Oh, [3]I drink beer usually. Occasionally wine. I don’t like, uh, um, hard liquor.
W: And would that be on regular days—weekends, for example?
M: Yes, that’s right. Friday night, or Saturday night. Sometimes both.
W: And for which of the following reasons would you say you primarily drink alcohol? A—stress. B— pleasure. C—socialization. D—habit?
M: Can I choose more than one?
W: Yes.
M: Then, [4]I guess I’d say for pleasure, mostly, and to relieve stress? Stress. For relaxation, really-after a week of classes and studying, it’s relaxing.
W: And... do you ever consume sufficient alcohol to feel its aftereffects the following day?
M: You mean, do I ever have a hangover? No. Well, very rarely. Sometimes after a party.
W: How often would you say you attend parties where alcoholic beverages are served?
M: Hmm. Maybe once in two or three months. Not often. Sometimes I get invited to a fraternity party or something, but not very often.
W: [5]Has the consumption of alcohol ever affected your class attendance or your ability to study?
M: No.
W: [5]Has the consumption of alcohol ever restricted your study or preparation time?
M: [5]No, not really. I think it’s more important for good study habits to have that relaxation time available, you know?
W: Have your study habits or class attendance changed significantly during your time at BSU?
M: No, not really. I may be preparing a little more now. My courses are harder, and I’m more concerned about grades now.
W: What is your current GPA?
M: 3.8.
W: Oh! That’s great! Well, thank you for your time. This is the end of the survey. Have a nice day.
M: You, too. And good luck on your paper.
W: Thanks! Bye.
1. What do we learn about the student survey?
2. What do we learn about the man from the conversation?
3. What does the man drink mostly?
4. What is the major reason for the man to drink?
5. How does drinking affect the man’s study?

选项 A、He drinks for pleasure.
B、He drinks to relieve stress.
C、He drinks for socialization.
D、He drinks as a habit.


解析 ①对话中男士在回答喝酒的原因这个问题时,讲到自己喝酒主要是为了开心,因此本题选A。②同时他也是“为了放松”,但这不是主要原因,所以不选B项。C“为了社交”和D“视喝酒为一种习惯”都是女士给出为什么喝酒的选项,但不是男士喝酒的原因。
