从Smith处获知你朋友Tim昨天晚上遭到一个夜间行窃者的抢劫。但幸运的是Tim身边带钱不多,这名行窃者只抢走了Tim的一个手机,人并没受到伤害。你听到后马上写封慰问信表示难过和同情,你希望Tim今后晚上行走时要注意安全,最好结伴而行。 注意:必须包

admin2009-07-28  29

问题 从Smith处获知你朋友Tim昨天晚上遭到一个夜间行窃者的抢劫。但幸运的是Tim身边带钱不多,这名行窃者只抢走了Tim的一个手机,人并没受到伤害。你听到后马上写封慰问信表示难过和同情,你希望Tim今后晚上行走时要注意安全,最好结伴而行。
   Words for reference:夜间行窃者nighthawk,手机mobile phone


答案October2, 2008 Dear Tim, I’ve just learned from Smith that you were robbed by a nighthawk last night. I felt very sorry and sympathy for you. Fortunately, you didn’t have too much money with you and the nighthawk just robbed you a mobile phone. More importantly, you were not injured. I believe you can recover from this accident very soon. Please come to me when free. I think that you’d be careful when you walk at night, It’s much safer if others can accompany you. Cordially yours, Mary

解析 慰问信(Letters of Consolation)用于对亲友生病、受伤或遭灾等一些不顺心的事情的问候。此类信件要写得得体、真诚,以便收信人从中得到真正的安慰和启迪。它一般由三个部分组成:抬头(收信人的称呼),正文和署名(寄信人的名字),时间写在正文的右上角。常见的句子有:
   ◆  I hear you are making such a rapid recovery that you’ll soon be out of the hospital and back with your family and friends.
   ◆  But all that is over now, and you’ll soon be as good as new!
   ◆  I’m terribly sorry to learn of your illness from Peter this morning.
   ◆  The word of your accident just reached me this morning. How grieved I am to hear that!
   ◆  With good wishes for your swift recovery.
