皮影(shadow play)是中国民间广为流传的道具戏之一,它是借助灯光把雕刻精巧的皮影人映照在屏幕上,由艺人们在幕后操动影人,伴以音乐和歌唱,演出一幕幕妙趣横生的皮影戏。皮影戏历史悠久,相传萌芽于汉,发展于唐,至宋已十分兴盛。陕西皮影分东、西路,不仅唱

admin2014-11-27  35

问题     皮影(shadow play)是中国民间广为流传的道具戏之一,它是借助灯光把雕刻精巧的皮影人映照在屏幕上,由艺人们在幕后操动影人,伴以音乐和歌唱,演出一幕幕妙趣横生的皮影戏。皮影戏历史悠久,相传萌芽于汉,发展于唐,至宋已十分兴盛。陕西皮影分东、西路,不仅唱腔种类繁多,表演技术高超,而且影人的雕镂技艺达到了很高的水平。


答案 Shadow play is one of the most popular plays performed among people in China. With the aid of lamp light, the silhouettes of finely-cut leather figures are cast upon a screen. The figures, manipulated by actors from behind the scene and accompanied with music and singing, give many vivid and interesting shadow performances. The play has a long history. According to legend, it came into being in the Han Dynasty. It was developed further in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Song Dynasty. Shaanxi shadow play may be divided into eastern and western schools. They not only vary in the accompanying music skill of acting, but also in the superb skill of the artistic carving of leather-figures.

解析     1.“借助”可译为with the aid of。
    3.第二句中,增译了“silhouette”,因为原文的意思是剪影或轮廓映在了屏幕上。“映照”可译为cast up.on。
    5.“萌芽”可译为come into being。 6.“兴盛”可译为flourish。 7.“东、西路”是指皮影不同的派别所以可译为eastern and western schools。
