Read the text taken from a business magazine. Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps. For each gap (9-14), mark one l

admin2013-02-14  42

问题 Read the text taken from a business magazine.
Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps.
For each gap (9-14), mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.
Do not use any letter more than once.
There is an example at the beginning, (0).
    "Inflation" is the term used to describe a rise in the general price level of goods and services. Note that individual price increase, for example, due to seasonal shortages of food, is not classified as inflation. (0) D
    The first is the one in which the demand for goods and services (and the money available to purchase them) exceeds the supply available. There may be a large supply of money available for one or more of several reasons; because government spending is relatively high; or because credit is easily available; or because people have relatively high disposable income (e. g. incomes after tax plus transfers, such as children’s allowances). When customers want to spend money on goods and services, but there are not enough of them to meet the demand, prices rise accordingly. (9) ............
    The second situation which causes inflation is the one in which production costs are rising. Production costs include raw materials, energy, and wages. When workers find they cannot afford the goods and services they need owing to the fact that prices are too high, they seek wage increases; sometimes increased production costs are absorbed in increased productivity or a reduction in profits so that they are not passed on in higher prices.
    More usually, however, they are not and, hence, prices rise. (10).............
    These two causes of inflation are often interrelated so that the one situation leads to the other which in turn leads to a recurrence of the first situation. (11) .............
    A third cause of inflation may be government policy. A government can regulate prices by changing its tax policy. Governments can affect the level of prices by controlling or regulating them, or by reducing taxes on goods and services and, accordingly, keeping prices down. Alternately, if a government does not regulate prices or if it imposes higher taxes (such as VAT), it may push prices up. Governments also occasionally attempt to control the level of wage increases and, hence, keep those production costs down. Lastly, as mentioned earlier, some people think that higher prices are often due to high government spending. (12) .............
    First, because the real value of money tends to decline, lenders of money, such as banks, are less willing to lend or are willing to do so only at higher interest rates. This makes borrowing more expensive, and thus may cause prices to rise even further, owing to the increased cost of borrowing.
    Second, there are many groups of people whose incomes are fixed or whose incomes tend to rise slowly and infrequently. (13) ............. Old age pensioners are examples of one of these groups.
    Third, when people see the value of money being eroded, they are less willing to save. Accordingly, there is less money available for investment in the new equipment which is frequently necessary if productivity is to increase. (14)............. Consequently, prices continue to rise.

A It is easy to get loans or buy things on credit.
B This is often referred to as "costpush inflation".
C Inflation has several consequences, all of which are bad.
D There are three situations which can result in inflation.
E This is often referred to as "demand-pull inflation".
F In a period of inflation the living standards of these people fall and, as a result, they suffer hardship.
G This chain of cause and effect is called an "inflationary spiral".
H It may be more difficult, therefore, to absorb increased production costs.



解析 该项意思是:在这一阶段,人们生活水平下降,最终导致民不聊生。这里对应的是上句提到的人们收入增长缓慢。故此处答案为F。
