A、B、C、D等20人拟共同出资设立甲有限责任公司(以下简称甲公司)。股东共同制定了公司章程。在公司章程中,对董事任期、监事会组成、股权转让规则等事项作了如下规定: (1)甲公司董事任期为4年; (2)甲公司设立监事会,监事会成员为7人,其中包括2

admin2017-03-30  28

问题 A、B、C、D等20人拟共同出资设立甲有限责任公司(以下简称甲公司)。股东共同制定了公司章程。在公司章程中,对董事任期、监事会组成、股权转让规则等事项作了如下规定:



答案(1)公司章程中关于董事任期的规定不符合规定。根据规定,董事任期由公司章程规定,但每届任期不得超过3年。本题中,规定公司董事任期为4年是不符合要求的。 (2)公司章程中关于监事会职工代表人数的规定不合法。根据规定,监事会应当包括股东代表和适当比例的公司职工代表,其中职工代表的比例不得低于1/3,具体比例由公司章程规定。本题中,监事会成员为7人,职工代表人数不得低于3人,因此公司章程中定为2名是不合法的。 (3)公司章程中关于股权转让的规定合法。根据规定,公司章程对股权转让另有规定的,从其规定。本题中,公司章程就股权转让作出了与《公司法》不同的规定,要按照公司章程的规定执行。 (4)不符合法律规定。根据规定,股份有限公司召开董事会,董事因故不能出席时,可以书面委托其他董事代为出席,但书面委托书中应载明授权范围。在本题中,董事谢某以电话方式委托董事李某代为出席会议行使表决权,委托方式不合法。 (5)符合法律规定。根据规定,解聘公司经理属于董事会的职权。 (6)符合法律规定。根据规定.董事、高级管理人员不得未经股东会或股东大会同意,利用职务便利为自己或者他人谋取属于公司的商业机会,自营或者为他人经营与所任职公司同类的业务,否则所得收入归公司所有。 (7)净资产折股比例符合规定。根据规定,有限责任公司变更为股份有限公司的,折合的实收股本总额不得高于净资产额。本题中,折合后的实收股本960万元低于1200万元,符合规定。 (8)甲公司不需要向中国证监会核准并定性为非上市公众公司。根据规定,股票向特定对象转让导致股东累计超过200人的股份有限公司,应当依法向中国证监会申请核准,核准后该公司被定性为非上市公众公司。本题中,甲公司的股东经过向特定对象转让股份后,股东人数为200人,没有超过200人,因此可以不用经过中国证监会核准。 【提示】甲公司原有股东去除小股东一共4名,2012年定向增发股票后增加了30名,2013年,B股东因为转让“部分股份”增加了8名,C股东“全部股份”均转让,因此增加了1 5名,减少了1名,D股东转让“部分股份”,增加了5名,原有小股东转让股份后最终共139名,因此甲公司最终股东人数为:4+30+8+15—1+5+139=200(名)。 Correct arlswers: (1)In the cornpany’s articles of association, the regulation about the term of office of a director does not meet the requirements.As stipulated,the term of 0ffice of a director shaIl be specified in the cornpany’s articles of association, but each of which shaIl not exceeci three years.So in here, the 4 year terms of office of a director do not meet the require ments. (2)In the company’s articles of aSsociation, the regtllation about the number of the employee’s representatives on the Board of Supervisors is unlawful.As stipulated,the Board of Supervisors should include the shareholder representatives and the employee’s representatives in appropriate proportion.In specifically,the proportion of the employee’s rep resentatives is no less than one-third and is regulated by the company’s articles of association.If there are seven members in the Board of Supervisors,the employee’s repre sentatives should be no less than 3 people.But there are only two employee’s representatives here.So it is unlawful. (3)In the company’s articles of association,the regulation about the transfer of shares is lawful.As stipulated,if the company’s articles of association set up another regulation, then this regulation should be fol lowed.If there are different between the Company Law and the regulation,which is set up by company’s articles of association,this regulation should be followed. (4)It is unlawful.As stipulated,for the joint stock 1imited company,if the director is unable to attend the Board meeting,he may present a proxy in written form to the Board.But the written proxy should limit the scope of authority.In here,the director Xie entrusted Li as the representative to participate in the meeting and exercise the voting rights on his behalf。by telephone.This means of entrustment is unlawful. (5)It is lawful.As stipulated,the Board of Director has the authority to dismiss the company’s manager. (6)It is lawful.As stipulated,directors or senior managers,without the authority,shall not make use of functions to facilitate access for themselves or others to get the business opportunities which belong to the company.And they also shall not make use of functions to run the proprietary trading or work for other similar business.Otherwise,these incomes will belong to the company. (7)The share exchange rate of the net assets is in line with the Company Law.As stipulated,the transformation of a limited liability company to a joint stock limited company shall satisfy that the total paid-in capital of the share exchange shall be less than the net worth.In here,net worth is 12,000,000 RMB and the share exchange rate is 80%. So the paicbin capital is 9,600,000 RMB which is less than 1 2,000,000 and comply with the regulat ion. (8)Company A does not need to apply for approval by the CSRC to qualify it as the private company.As stipulated,if the stock transfers to a cert ain one and the stockholders’number has accumulated more than 200 people,in this situation,Company A should submit their application to the CSRC,according to laws.After the approval,Company A shall be qualified as a private company.In here,a shareholder of Company A transferred his stock to someone,then the number of shareholders is 200 people,which is less than 200.Therefore,for Company A,it does not need get the approval by the CSRC. Tip: Except of the minority shareholders,Company A’s original numbers of shareholders is 4.After the additional issues,in 2012,the number of shareholders increased by 30.In 2013.Shareholder B transferred part of his stakes,and then the shareholders’number was increased by 8. And shareholder C transferred all of his stakes,and then the shareholders’number was increased by 15 and decreased by 1. Shareholder D transferred part of his stakes,and then the shareholders’number was increased bv 5.After the transfer of stock,there are 139 minority shareholders left.Therefore,finally,the number of shareholders is 4+30+8+15一1+5+139=200(people)

