Growth in oil and gas supplies will make the U. S. virtually self-sufficient in energy by 2030, according to a BP report publish

admin2012-07-05  42

问题     Growth in oil and gas supplies will make the U. S. virtually self-sufficient in energy by 2030, according to a BP report published on Wednesday.
    In a development with enormous geopolitical implications, the country’s dependence on oil imports from potentially unstable countries in the Middle East and elsewhere would disappear, BP said, although Britain and western Europe would still need Gulf supplies.
    BP’s latest energy outlook forecasts a growth in unconventional energy sources, " including U. S. shale (页岩) oil and gas, Canadian oil sands and Brazilian deepwater, plus a gradual decline in demand, that would see North America become almost totally energy self-sufficient" in two decades. BP’s chief executive, Bob Dudley, said, " Our report challenges some long-held beliefs. Significant changes in U. S. supply-and-demand prospects, for example, highlight the likelihood that import dependence in what is today’s largest energy importer will decline substantially. "
    The report said the volume of oil imports in the U. S. would fall below 1990s levels, largely due to rising domestic shale oil production and ethanol (乙醇) replacing crude. The U. S. would also become a net exporter of natural gas.
    Overall, global energy demand would surge in the next 20 years, fuelled by economic and population growth in Asia, but at a slowing annual rate, due to advances in energy efficiency and growth of re-newables.
    World energy demand is likely to grow by 39% over the next two decades, or 1. 6% annually, almost entirely in non-OECD (非经济合作与发展组织) countries. Consumption in non-OECD countries is expected to rise by just 4% in total over the period.
    Global energy will remain dominated by fossil fuels, which are forecast to account for 81% of energy demand by 2030, down about 6% from current levels. The period should also see increased fuel-switching , with more gas and renewables used at the expense of coal and oil.  
By saying "Our report challenges some long-held beliefs. " (Line 4, Para. 3), Bob Dudley means that______.

选项 A、unconventional energy sources actually exclude the U. S. shale oil and gas
B、North America wouldn’t become wholly energy self-sufficient in two decades
C、America long believed as the largest energy importer will reduce its import
D、people who always believe in BP’s forecasting will doubt about its truth


解析 语义理解题。根据定位句,鲍勃·达德利所说的“我们的报告挑战了一些一贯看法”,是指美国一直被认为是最大的能源进口国,但现在其能源进口将大幅削减。C)含义与之吻合,故为答案。根据原文第三段第一句,非常规能源包括美国的页岩油和天然气,故排除A),include“包括”与exclude“不包括”为反义词;根据该句的后半句,20年后,北美的能源几乎能够完全自给自足,故排除B);D)并未在原文中提及,故排除。
