
admin2016-03-22  57

问题     总经理、总裁、首席执行官这样的头衔在现代商业中屡见不鲜。这些企业老总的头衔意味着什么?有人说意味着位高权重、腰缠万贯、交游广阔、傲慢自大甚至颐指气使。我虽然当总裁的时间不长,感受还不够深刻,但比隔岸观火要好很多。在我看来,成功的企业老总主要具备以下几种品质:


答案 Titles such as General Manager, President and CEO are not uncommon in modern business world. What do the titles mean? Some people say it means high position, power, wealth, social circles, arrogance, and even domineer. Although I have been a president for not a long time and my insight is not profound, I should at least have more to say tha outsiders. In my opinion, successful business executives mainly possess the following qualities: First of all, they must have their own ideas, namely, strategic ideas and philosophies of business development. It sounds easy, but it is difficult in practice. Ideas are invisible and untouchable, but they can be felt. Representing the recognition of a corporate value, they can lead the direction of enterprise development. Furthermore, leadership is indispensable. Business executives act decisively or even ruthlessly at some crucial moments, which would inevitably fall the employees into panic or anger. However, good leaders will fully take into account of human nature; therefore, they can enjoy the love and esteem of their subordinates Additionally, business executives must have a strong will. They must press forward with the indomitable spirits, especially when their businesses encounter difficulties. Precedential challenges are inevitable since no one has tried in the emerging industries before. We not only have witnessed the property of the domestic appliance industry and the cruelty of surviving competition, but also the rise of the Internet industry and its deflated bubbles after bloody competitions. Where are such rising industries as cloud computing and web of things heading for? And who will be the champion? Only the best can survive. Those companies survived at last must be those going through the difficulties with perseverance In summary, a business executive, the leader of an enterprise, is the soul of it. I will work hard to be a business leader with original ideas, strong will and decisiveness.

