Helping teachers to lift student achievement more effectively has become a major theme in US education. Most efforts that are no

admin2018-01-08  23

问题    Helping teachers to lift student achievement more effectively has become a major theme in US education. Most efforts that are now in their early stages or being planned focus either on building the skills of teachers already in the classroom or on retaining the best and dismissing the least effective performers. The question of who should actually teach and how the nation’ s schools might attract more young people from the top tier of college graduates, as part of a systematic effort to improve teaching in the United States, has received comparatively little attention.
   McKinsey’s experience with school systems in more than 50 countries suggests that this is an important gap in the US debate. In a new report, Closing the Talent Gap : Attracting and Retaining Top-Third Graduates to Careers in Teaching , we review the experiences of the world’s top-performing systems, in Finland, Singapore, and South Korea. These countries recruit 100 percent of their teacher corps from the top third of the academic cohort. Along with strong training and good working conditions, this extraordinary selectivity is part of an integrated system that promotes the prestige of teaching—and has achieved extraordinary results. In the United States, by contrast, only 23 percent of new teachers come from the top third, and just 14 percent of new teachers who come from the top third work in high-poverty schools, where attracting and retaining talented people is particularly difficult. The report asks what it would take to emulate nations that systematically recruit top students to teaching if the United States decided that it was worthwhile to do so.
   McKinsey’s survey of nearly 1,500 top-third US college students and current teachers, highlighted in the report, shows that a major effort would be needed to attract and retain the best students to teaching. The stakes are high: recent McKinsey research found that a persistent achievement gap between US students and those in top-performing nations imposes the economic equivalent of a permanent national recession.
   Research on whether the academic background of teachers is a useful predictor of classroom effectiveness has had mixed results, and no single reforjn can be depicted as a silver bullet. But the success of the best-performing national systems suggests that an effort to attract the country’s top students to teaching deserves serious examination as part of a comprehensive human-capital strategy for the US education system.
Among efforts to improve teaching in the United States, the following has received much attention EXCEPT______.

选项 A、dismissing the least effective performers
B、building the skills of teachers
C、retaining the best teachers
D、attracting more young people from the top tier of college graduates


解析 此题为细节分析题。根据题干信息定位答案至第一段。作者欲抑先扬,在文章开始介绍了美国教育界为提高其教育质量而做的各种努力,如:注重培养现任老师的能力,注重留住最佳人才,并且淘汰绩效最差者;但随后笔锋一转,指出“什么人应该从事教育工作,美国的学校应该如何吸引更多的高校优秀毕业生”这一本应作为“系统性努力的一部分”却没有得到足够的关注(has received comparatively little attention)。因此,D选项为正确答案。
