What is globalization? The short answer is that globalization is the integration of everything with everything else. A more comp

admin2010-06-18  34

问题    What is globalization? The short answer is that globalization is the integration of everything with everything else. A more complete definition is that globalization is the integration of markets, finance, and technology in a way that shrinks the world from a size medium to a size small. Globalization enables each of us, wherever we live, to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever before and at the same time allows the world to reach into each of us farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever before.
   I believe this process is almost entirely driven by technology. There’s a concept in strategic theory, stating that capabilities create intentions. In other words, if you give people B-52s, they will find ways to use them. This concept is quite useful when thinking about globalization, too. If I have a cell phone that can call around the world at zero marginal cost to 180 different countries, I will indeed call around the world to 180 different countries. If I have Internet access and can do business online, a business in which my suppliers, customers, and competitors are all global, then I will be global, too. And I will be global whether there is a World Trade Organization agreement or not.


答案什么叫全球化?简而答之,全球化就是所有事物的融合。更为完整的定义是这样的:全球化就是市场、金融和技术的融合,它使得世界从中等规模缩至小规模。无论我们住在哪里,全球化使得我们每一个人能比以前更深入、更快捷、更便宜地接触到世界的每一处,同时也让世界比以前更深人;更快捷、更便宜地触及我们的生活。 我相信这个过程完全是由技术推动的。在战略理论中有这样一个概念,说能力产生意图。换言之,如果你给人们B-52型轰炸机,他们就会找到B—52型轰炸机的用途。这个概念在考虑全球化时也是非常有用的。如果我有一部手机,能接通世界上180个不同的国家,而且价格相同,那么我就确实会向180个不同的国家打电话。如果我能接上因特网,能在网上做生意,而我的供应商、顾客和竞争对手都是全球性的,那么我也将是全球性的,而且无论是否有世贸总协定,我都会是全球性的。

