十二生肖(the twelve Chinese Zodiacs)是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。根据中国的十二生肖,每一年都与十二种动物中的一种有联系。你也许听说过中国人用十二生肖动物作为纪年的周期系统。在西方,中国十二生肖的十二种动物已经越来越为人们所熟悉

admin2018-03-26  22

问题     十二生肖(the twelve Chinese Zodiacs)是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。根据中国的十二生肖,每一年都与十二种动物中的一种有联系。你也许听说过中国人用十二生肖动物作为纪年的周期系统。在西方,中国十二生肖的十二种动物已经越来越为人们所熟悉。十二生肖代表的动物的性格特点各不相同,每一种动物都代表着与该生肖相关的信仰、寓意和传统智慧。龙是十二生肖中唯一的神话兽,在龙年出生的人被认为是吉祥的。


答案 The twelve Chinese Zodiacs play an important role in the traditional Chinese culture. According to the Chinese Zodiacs, each year is associated with one of twelve animals. You’ve probably heard that Chinese people regard the twelve animals as the foundation of the zodiac system. In the West, the twelve creatures of the Chinese Zodiacs have become increasingly familiar. The twelve symbolic animals have their own characteristics, with each animal representing relevant beliefs, connotations and traditional wisdom. Among the twelve animals, dragon is the only mythological beast, and to be born in the Year of Dragon is regarded as propitious.

解析 1.第一句中,“是中国传统文化的重要组成部分”可直译为are an important component of traditional Chinese culture,也可以像参考译文中那样意译为“在中国传统文化中占据重要地位”,在这种意译方法中,除可译为play an important role in…之外,还可译为occupy an important status in…。
2.第二句中,“与……有联系”可译为动词结构be associated with或be linked to,也可译为其名词结构have an association with…或“There is a link between…and…”。
3.第三句中,“用……作为”可译为regard…as…;“用十二生肖动物作为纪年的周期系统”指的是纪年的周期系统以十二种动物为基础,故译为the foundation of the zodiac system。除此之外,也可意译为“中国人在十二种动物的基础上发明了纪年的周期系统”,即develop the zodiac system based on twelve animals。
4.第四句中,“为人们所熟悉”可直译为be familiar with,也可意译为“被人们所认可”,故本句还可译为“The twelve creatures of the Chinese Zodiacs have been underscoring the increasing recognition in the West.”。
