她笑了笑,又转了一回弹槽滚儿,对他说,“如果是空枪,俺就依你!”说完,重新举起了小左轮。她的手有点儿抖,瞄了许久,突然,颓丧地放下枪,好一时才说,“俺不认命了,只求你从今以后别再当匪,好生与俺过日子!” 他愕然,呆呆地望着她,像是在编织着一个梦幻。

admin2020-02-10  35

问题     她笑了笑,又转了一回弹槽滚儿,对他说,“如果是空枪,俺就依你!”说完,重新举起了小左轮。她的手有点儿抖,瞄了许久,突然,颓丧地放下枪,好一时才说,“俺不认命了,只求你从今以后别再当匪,好生与俺过日子!”


答案 Smiling, she rotated the magazine again and said, "If there’s no shot, I’ll be your wife." With this she raised the small revolver again. Her hand a little shaky, she aimed at him for a long time, but suddenly put down her gun in dejection. "I won’t accept what fate decides anymore, " she finally said. "I only beg you not to be a bandit anymore and to start a new life with me." He was stunned, staring at her blankly as if making up a dream. "You were born with a bad life, but I’m willing to be your wife and suffer with you, " she said, tears mysteriously welling up her eyes. Perplexed, he walked over, picked up his gun for a look, and was dumbfounded. "I rotated it two times, but each time the bullet landed at the breech, " she cried. "At that moment, I really wanted to kill you, but when I thought of your miserable life, I felt a little sorry for you. You don’t know, but I also have had a bad life."

解析 背景介绍
-  弹槽滚儿……枪管……:此处出现了对应的英语单词本身比较常见,但使用了其较为生僻的意思。分别译为“magazine”、  “breech”。
-  俺不认命……你命不好……可一想你命这般苦……俺也是个苦命的人啊……:短短一段文字,出现了四次“命”,带有浓厚的中国文化特色。因为英语中没有相应的词语和相同的文化概念,故只能采用释译的方法,单独处理。“俺不认命”译为“I wont accept what fate decides anymore.”,“你命不好”译为“You were born with a bad life.”,  “可一想你命这般苦”译为“when I thought of your miserable life”,“俺也是个苦命的人啊”译为“I also have had a bad life.”。
-  呆呆地:这里表示“出神地”、  “茫然地”、  “毫无表情地”,故译为“blankly”。
-  她不知为什么眼里就闪出了泪花儿:地道的英语表达习惯多用物作主语,原文中的“为什么”可以理解为“神秘地”、  “不知道原因地”,故整句可译为“tears mysteriously welling up her eyes”。
