
admin2009-04-18  37

Recently, a survey of the nation’s reading habits was conducted in Britain. The survey asked members of different professions how much time they devoted to reading for pleasure every week. The researchers also asked what types of books they enjoyed. Accountants spend an average of five hours and fifteen minutes of their leisure time reading every week. They read all types of fiction, mainly in bed or while commuting to work. Secretaries spend an average of almost five hours reading every week with Jane Austin on top of their list. Politicians who read for just under five hours a week favor biographies and history books. Most of their reading is done in bed. Taxi drivers manage an average of four hours and forty six minutes a week much of it while waiting in their cabs. They read more self-help books than other workers. Lawyers read the highest percentage of crime fiction in their weekly average of four hours and thirty three minutes. They have no interest in poetry, gardening, self-help books, or romance. Teachers read for an average of four hours and twenty seven minutes a week mainly in bed or on holiday. Teachers’ strong preference is for contemporary fiction over the classics, but their favorite author is Jane Austin. A total of one thousand six hundred people were surveyed. The average time spent reading for pleasure was five hours and nine minutes a week.



