(1) As objects go, Earth is getting on in years. But it is definitely not ancient by cosmic standards. The very oldest native pl

admin2022-10-30  33

问题     (1) As objects go, Earth is getting on in years. But it is definitely not ancient by cosmic standards. The very oldest native planetary material we can examine are tiny zircon crystals that formed here about 4.4 billion years ago. But the universe has been around for approximately 13. 8 billion years, and has been building stars and forging heavy elements since it was some 200 million years old.
    (2) That means that element-rich matter has been polluting interstellar space for a long, long while. Some of that matter, especially from older stars and supernova, has condensed and frozen into microscopic grains of silicate (硅酸盐) and carbon compounds. Eventually those Stardust grains might find themselves pulled into the gravity-well of new-forming stars, and planets. But the vigor and turmoil of star and planet formation can erase the evidence of the age of those building blocks.
    (3) Some of the most ancient crumbs of building material we can study are those inside certain kinds of meteorites that still conveniently fall to Earth. Stardust swept up as the solar system combined.
    (4) Now a study by Heck et al. , reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the U.S. , seems to have located interstellar grains that are as old as 7. 5 billion years. Pre-dating our entire solar system by some 3 billion years.
    (5) The investigation took material from the famous Murchison meteorite that fell and scattered across parts of Australia (including the town of Murchison) in 1969. This meteorite is a carbonaceous chondrite (碳质球粒陨石), a supremely "primitive" object, rich in carbon compounds. It represents material that attached together 4.5 billion years ago out of interstellar stuff—never being processed inside pro to-planetary interiors.
    (6) By crushing a sample and dissolving it in acid, the researchers were able to isolate so-called pre-solar or interstellar grains—hardy little crumbs, barely several micrometers across.
    (7) But how do you estimate their ages? It turns out that the universe provides, in a manner, a clock. Cosmic rays are constantly zipping through space, and when these energetic particles (like protons and alpha-particles) collide with the atomic nuclei in a grain the nuclear damage leaves an isotopic (同位素的) signature. The longer the grain has been floating around, the more of those nuclear changes accumulate.
    (8) With a lot of additional detective work to account for different initial compositions from different stellar sources of elements, and all the potential traumas of heating and bashing around that the grains might have endured, it’s possible to use the cosmic ray signature to come up with an estimate of how long the grains were hanging around in interstellar space.
    (9) In this case, using the accumulation of Neon-21 in particular, most of the grains in Murchison seem to be less than a few hundred million years old (commensurate with the amount of time they were originally adrift before getting stuck in the Murchison body). But at least 8% are astonishingly old, reaching back to approximately 7. 5 billion years, some two billion years older than any previous samples.
    (10) The range of grain ages is also consistent with the idea that some 7.5 billion years ago there was a lot more star formation going on, not just in the Milky Way but across the universe.
    (11) It’s a remarkable result, and one that demonstrates that sometimes the secrets of the cosmos can literally fall in our backyard. (本文选自 Scientific American)
It can be inferred from Para. 2 that________.

选项 A、element-rich matter comes from either older stars or supernova
B、compounds formed by element-rich matter are very difficult to see
C、the proof of the age of element-rich matter compounds cannot be removed
D、element-rich matter begins to pollute the space since the beginning of the universe


解析 推断题。由第二段第二句可知,那些来自更古老的恒星和超新星的物质已经浓缩并冻结成微小的硅酸盐和碳化合物的颗粒,由microscopic可以推断这些化合物颗粒很小,肉眼很难看到,故本题答案为B。A“元素丰富的物质来自较老的恒星或超新星”与第二段第二句句意不符,故排除;由第二段最后一句可知,恒星和行星形成过程当中的活动和混乱可以抹去这些组成元素上记录年龄的证据,故排除C;由第二段第一句可知,这种物质污染宇宙的时间非常长,但原文并未提及这种物质自宇宙之初就开始污染宇宙,D属于过度推断,故排除。
