花鸟草虫,凡是上得画的,那原物往往也叫人喜爱。蜜蜂是画家的爱物,我却总不大喜欢。说起来可笑。孩子的时候,有一回上树掐海棠(cherry-apple tree)花,不想叫蜜蜂螫了一下,痛得我差点儿跌下来。大人告诉我说:蜜蜂轻易不螫人,准是误以为你要伤害它,才

admin2016-10-21  39

问题     花鸟草虫,凡是上得画的,那原物往往也叫人喜爱。蜜蜂是画家的爱物,我却总不大喜欢。说起来可笑。孩子的时候,有一回上树掐海棠(cherry-apple tree)花,不想叫蜜蜂螫了一下,痛得我差点儿跌下来。大人告诉我说:蜜蜂轻易不螫人,准是误以为你要伤害它,才螫。一螫,它自己耗尽生命,也活不久了。我听了,觉得那蜜蜂可怜,原谅它了。可是从此以后,每逢看见蜜蜂,感情上疙疙瘩瘩的,总不怎么舒服。


答案 Flowers, birds, grass and insects which are popular with artists are usually delightful things. Yet I never had much liking for bees though they often appear in paintings. The reason is laughable. One day when I was a child, I climbed a cherry-apple tree to pick some blossoms and got stung by a bee — the pain nearly made me fall off. Grown-ups told me that bees never stung unless they were afraid you were going to hurt them, and stinging someone would cost a bee its own life. When I heard that, I felt sorry for the bee and forgave it. Still, after that the sight of a bee always filled me with misgivings.

