"It’s unlikely you’ll see this exact restaurant replicated," McDonald’s spokesman Bill Whitman said, "But you will see elements

admin2016-02-04  38

问题     "It’s unlikely you’ll see this exact restaurant replicated," McDonald’s spokesman Bill Whitman said, "But you will see elements of this restaurant in some of our new construction. It’s all about keeping our restaurants more relevant for our customers. "
    McDonald’s has undergone an image change in more ways than one since a time two and a half years ago when its sales and reputation were sagging amid complaints about its service and food. Despite inconsistent results in some large European countries, that McSlump is no longer: some store sales have increased for 25 straight months in the key U. S. market.
    The company reported first-quarter operating income was up 6 percent to $ 910 million and revenue rose 9 percent to $4.8 billion over the same time last year. Its stock price nearly tripled over a two-year period, hitting a four-year high of $ 34. 56 per share in March, but has since settled around $ 29.
    Stylish new restaurants are part of the reform plan; about 1 000, mostly older U. S. McDonald’s have been either renovated or rebuilt since 2002. Contributing more to the sales increase, though, have been longer hours, accepting credit and debit cards, the high-powered "I’m lovin’ it" marketing campaign and pricier new food items.


答案 “你不可能在其他地方看到与这一模一样的餐馆,”麦当劳发言人比尔?惠特曼说道,“但是,你可能会在我们的其他一些新建餐馆身上发现这个餐馆的某些特色。之所以这样做,就是为了使我们的餐馆更符合顾客的习惯和需要。” 然而,仅在两年半前,人们还对麦当劳的服务和食品怨声载道,导致其销售额大幅下滑,良好声誉受到损害。之后,麦当劳开始采取各种措施重塑公司形象。尽管措施实施效果在一些欧洲大国反映不一,但是,麦当劳的销售额并没有出现大的下滑。在关键的美国市场,有一些店的销售额已经连续25个月保持增长态势。 据麦当劳公布的第一季度财务报告显示,其第一季度营业利润比去年同期增长了6%,达到9.1亿美元;总收入增长9%,达到48亿美元。在两年的时间里,其股价几乎涨到了3倍,在3月份涨至每股34.56美元,为4年来的新高。但随后股价就一直稳定在每股29美元左右。 建造新潮的新餐馆仅仅是麦当劳革新计划的一部分。自2002年以来,麦当劳已经对其旗下的约1 000家餐馆进行了翻修或重建,其中大部分是位于美国的老式餐馆。但是,麦当劳销售额的上升也有赖于其他因素,如延长营业时间,接受信用卡和借记卡,展开声势浩大的“我就喜欢”主题营销活动以及推出更贵的新食品。

