In other words, the Windows-enabled PC gave everyone in the office the ability to create and manipulate digital content—words, d

admin2019-04-11  44

问题    In other words, the Windows-enabled PC gave everyone in the office the ability to create and manipulate digital content—words, data, pictures—at their fingertips on their desktops, which was a great leap forward from paper and typewriters. And, if your whole office was using the same hardware, software, and e-mail system, you could be even more productive, by seamlessly shooting your digitized content around your company, from department to department. But more often than not, back in the 1980s and early 1990s, companies did not run all the same software and hardware. Companies installed systems piecemeal or found that one computer-software system was good for the accounting department and another system was best for inventory management and a third was best for e-mail. Therefore, a company’s sales department might be running Microsoft, while the inventory department was running Novell or IBM. As a result, they could not communicate or collaborate digitally with each other—couldn’t work together on each other’s digital content, or certainly not without difficulty. So while each individual department was more productive inside its own walls, because it had computers, software, and e-mail, when there was an issue between departments that needed to be resolved, someone from sales still had to walk around the wall, over to inventory, and speak to someone there. Work still did not flow digitally, and collaboration did not happen digitally, as easily as it might have. We often forget that the software industry started out like a bad fire department. Imagine a city where every neighborhood had a different interface for connecting the fire hose to the hydrant. Everything was fine as long as your neighborhood’s fire department could handle your fire. But when a fire became too big, and the fire engines from the next neighborhood had to be called in, they were useless because they could not connect their hoses to your hydrants.


答案 换句话说,依靠Windows操作系统启动运行的个人电脑的出现令公室里的每个人都拥有了创造并处理文字、数据、图像等数字化内容的能力,而他们需要做的不过是在办公电脑上动一动手指。比起纸张和打字机来说,这可谓一大进步。如果整个公司使用的是同样的硬件、软件和电子邮件系统,通过在公司内部无缝传输数字化内容,员工的工作会更加高效。但20世纪80年代到90年代初,公司内部运行的硬件和软件并不相同。那时,公司并非统一安装系统,他们可能发现一种计算机软件系统非常适合财务部,另一种系统最适合用于存货管理,而最适用于电子邮件的却又是另外一种系统。于是,公司的销售部门用的可能是微软,而存货部门用的却是Novelle或IBM,这导致他们无法展开数字通讯与合作,无法处理彼此的数字化内容,就算可以也是困难重重。因此,虽然因为电脑、软件和电子邮件的出现,各部门在部门内部的效率都提高了,但部门之间还是存在亟须解决的问题,比如销售部门的人仍需要绕过部门间的隔墙,走到存货部,和那里的工作人员交谈。此时,工作流程和部门间的合作仍未如其应该的那样轻而易举地实现数字化。我们时常忘记最初的软件行业就像是一个糟糕的消防队。想象这样一个城镇,其中每个街区用于连接消防水带和消防栓的接口全都不一样。只要你所在的街区的消防队能把火扑灭,那么万事大吉。可一旦火势太大,必须调用邻街的消防队,你会发现,他们来了也是白来,因为他们的水带口接不到你家的消防栓上。

