
admin2021-05-10  22

问题     过去狗仗人势,只要主人在,狗就要猖狂,就要咬人,就要耀武扬威。现在的情形大变,是人仗狗势,人把名犬牵出来显示自己的身份,狗的品种越名贵,产地越遥远,价格越离谱,血统越纯正,市面上的拥有量和流通量越稀少,主人的面子就越大。女人牵着名狗上路那感觉都不同,女人已经不是女人,而是贵妇。女人们过去显摆的是时装,现在显摆的是狗的身价。没有名狗作为陪衬的女人肯定是小妇人,甚至连小妇人也要牵一只哈巴狗张扬,即便不能提高身价,起码可以表明自己并非小保姆。如今连小保姆也要忍嘴省钱,买一只杂交的狗来蒙养。越是穷困的人越要依靠狗的身份来抬高自己的社会地位。炒股、养狗,打麻将是都市里有闲女人干的三大正事,别的事情都可以算做歪门邪道。


答案Now the story is so different that people show off on the strength of their dogs’ position. Their status is judged by their dogs: noble breed, distant origin, unreasonable price, pure lineage, and scarce market circulation, all do credit to masters. A woman feels that walking a famous dog on the road ascends her to a lady of quality. Women used to flaunt their fashionable clothes, but now what is worth parading is their dogs. A woman without a noble dog is considered a humble woman, who attaches herself to a pug in public as an alternative if not to raise their social status, at least to prove they are not nannies.

解析 1.本文选自《成都晚报》的杂文《人仗狗势》,是一篇诙谐幽默的小品文。画线部分共四句话,多由短句构成,句子结构不算复杂,基本没有生僻词汇和专业词汇。
2.第一句话较长,由多个短句构成,应通过分析句子内部逻辑结构来整合句式,“人仗狗势”是讽刺人们炫耀自己的狗的名贵,可借用英文中的谚语A dog bites on the strength of his master’s position,译为peopleshow off on the strength of their dogs’position,以保持原文风格。这句话中对狗有多个修饰语,如“品种、产地、价格、血统”等,如果“随文而行”,译成the nobler the dog,the longer the distance of theorigin…the more prestigious the master is,其结果是表述的重点被淹没在冗长的叙述中。该句话的实质是:人们的身份要靠狗来彰显,故英文表述应强调Their status is judged by their dogs,至于“狗的品种越名贵……”是对前面内容的具体化,可用冒号引出:noble breed,distant origin,unreasonable price,pure lineage,and scarce market circulation。“主人的面子就越大”中的“面子”是中文的典型说法,不宜直译成the more face the master has,可译为all do credit to masters“使主人获得称赞”。
3.第二句话转到遛狗的主体女人上来。“……那感觉都不同”,实指女人自我感觉良好,“不是女人,而是贵妇”可译为ascend her from an average to a lady of quality,而其中的an average“平凡(女)人”其意思不言自明,from an average省略不译也可以。
